[Abstract]:China is a country prone to geological disasters, especially in the western region, the geological environment is very complex. With the abnormal change of geological environment, the western region becomes the region with frequent geological disasters, and landslide, collapse and debris flow are the most typical and serious three types of disasters. With the rapid development of the national highway construction, the construction scale of the mountain road project is increasing rapidly, and the highway geological hazard problem is also increasing day by day. Especially the collapse disaster caused by unstable rock mass on highway slope caused great damage to road traffic safety. There are many serious accidents of life and property safety caused by the collapse of dangerous rock mass on highway slope every year. It can be seen that the collapse disaster of dangerous rock mass of highway slope has the characteristics of wide distribution range and strong sudden occurrence and so on. In order to reduce or even avoid the adverse impact of dangerous rock mass on road safety, it is necessary to develop a scientific and effective method to monitor and early warning the hazard of dangerous rock mass on highway slope. For this reason, the monitoring and warning technology of highway slope dangerous rock mass has attracted extensive attention of many researchers, and a series of research and experimental work have been carried out. This article relies on the Ministry of Transport west transportation science and technology project to carry out scientific research. In this paper, the basic concepts and key technologies of Internet of things (IOT) technology are described. On the basis of the existing basic theory of dangerous rock mass and the research of monitoring and warning technology, the application of IOT technology to dangerous rock monitoring is explored. Based on the mechanism and characteristics of dangerous rock mass collapse on highway slope, a monitoring and warning system for dangerous rock mass of highway slope based on Internet of things is established. The main achievements are as follows: 1) the paper analyzes the theory and core technology of Internet of things, including: the basic concept of Internet of things, key technology, characteristics and functions, the research status of Internet of things technology, application field, The trend of development and the possibility of its application in monitoring dangerous rock. 2) this paper expounds the mechanism of formation of dangerous rock mass on highway slope and the monitoring and warning technology of collapse disaster. By studying the forming conditions and influencing factors of geological disaster of dangerous rock mass collapse, the technical characteristics of existing monitoring methods of dangerous rock mass are introduced and analyzed. As a reference comparison of the monitoring technology of internet of things dangerous rock. 3) based on the related theory of Internet of things, based on RFID and GPRS technology, the monitoring and warning system of highway slope dangerous rock mass is established. The system structure is composed of RFID module, GPRS module, receiving and forecasting module, analysis and evaluation module. It can also meet the requirements of system users for accurate evaluation and effective processing of dangerous rock information. 4) the application of Internet of things technology in highway geological hazard monitoring and warning field is proved to be feasible through indoor simulation test, which provides effective exploration and test data support for the formal development and operation of the system.
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