[Abstract]:With the development of economy, the highway, railway, air transportation and shipping industry have been developed rapidly, especially the port and sea transportation, which is the largest cargo transportation mode, according to statistics, The sea transportation volume accounts for more than 70% of the total traffic volume. In view of the increasing traffic volume, increasing navigation density and deteriorating navigation environment, ships tend to become larger, more specialized and more rapid, which increases the risk of accidents. As a result, the management of ship traffic becomes more and more prominent. In order to improve the quality of maritime management and reduce the occurrence of all kinds of ship accidents, the maritime department has made a lot of efforts, such as the vessel traffic management system (Vessel Traffic Service,) for short, VTS), ship automatic identification system (Automatic identification System,). The application of AIS and (Emergency Response Service, (ERS) has made a positive contribution to improving the effectiveness of maritime management and the safety of shipping to a certain extent. Although many means and methods have been adopted, at present the resources are relatively limited, the number of ships is still increasing, and the port construction is accelerating, which leads to maritime accidents occurring from time to time, and most of them are sudden. Unpredictable, huge losses and other characteristics, how to eliminate the accident in the initial stage under the limited resources, so as to minimize the loss of the accident, which requires scientific management and efficient operation. In this paper, a maritime emergency response system based on VTS is established. Based on the model of emergency disposal and the ability of information collection and processing of VTS, this paper realizes the efficient handling of all kinds of accidents. Finally, to improve the emergency response capacity and efficiency of maritime management system, to maximize the protection of human life and the safety of the people to build a harmonious socialist society.
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