[Abstract]:When a fire occurs in a tobacco warehouse, it not only has the characteristics of a common warehouse fire, but also has a strong flammability of its storage, which makes the fire spread uncontrollably in a short period of time, and burns down a large number of tobacco products and machinery and equipment. Cause huge economic losses. It is of great significance to study the law of fire occurrence and development of warehouse for the elimination of fire danger, the control and protection of loss of personnel and property in cigarette warehouse. In this paper, the fire and smoke movement and control of a three-dimensional warehouse of cigarette distribution in a city are numerically tested by using FDS fire simulation software. Firstly, the typical cigarettes in the warehouse were selected as samples for thermogravimetric analysis. The ignition temperature, combustion characteristic index and activation energy of the tobacco were measured by pyrolysis experiment, which provided the basis for the setting of numerical test parameters. Secondly, according to the physical size of the warehouse, the numerical model is established, and the fire scene of the warehouse under non-exhaust measures and natural and mechanical exhaust smoke is simulated and calculated by using the FDS large eddy simulation method. The spread law and temperature distribution of fire smoke in each scene were obtained, and the effects of natural smoke exhaust and mechanical exhaust smoke were compared. The results showed that the fire developed rapidly under natural conditions, and the parameters of temperature, CO concentration and visibility reached the limit of human danger tolerance, and the evacuation time of personnel was only 326 s. The effect of natural exhaust smoke is better, the visibility of fire field is improved and the content of CO is reduced by mechanical exhaust smoke. However, because of mechanical negative pressure, a large amount of fresh air is brought into the fire field, which aggravates the fire. According to the calculation method of smoke layer height and fire intensity in NFPA92B, the height of smoke layer can be controlled at 4.5 m, which is more reasonable than that of "Code of Fire Protection Design for High-rise buildings > Volume ventilation method". Finally, according to the principle of mathematical statistics, the position of smoke outlet, the quantity of smoke outlet, the wind speed of exhaust outlet and the amount of smoke are arranged and combined. The fire scene under combination condition is tested with FDS, and the influence of each factor on the effect of mechanical exhaust smoke is discussed. The results show that the "ceiling" is superior to the "sidewall", the increase of the quantity of exhaust smoke is better than that of the side wall, and the increase of the quantity of exhaust smoke is beneficial to the discharge of flue gas, but on the other hand, it will aggravate the fire. The excessive wind speed at the exhaust outlet results in smoke "suction phenomenon" and reduces the smoke exhaust efficiency. Therefore, the reasonable setting should be carried out according to the specific parameters of the building, and the ideal exhaust effect cannot be achieved even when the smoke outlet is too large or too small.
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