[Abstract]:With the accelerating process of economic globalization in China, the demand for electric power is increasing day by day. Furthermore, the demand for power station boilers is increased, and the membrane wall is an important part of power station boilers. It plays an important role in boiler manufacture. The membrane wall of modern power station boiler is welded by steel pipe and flat steel on both sides. The pipe screen of finished product width is achieved by continuous weld seam splicing method between steel pipe and flat steel. Because the welding process can't realize the back welding, the film wall must be turned over before the welding process can be carried out. For this reason, Shanghai Boiler Factory has been studying for many years. Self-designed and developed "boiler film wall turn-over hook" specially used in the process of boiler film-type wall turn-over. In this paper, the UG NX software is used to model the lifting hook structure, and then it is imported into the ANSYS software. The geometric model is modified and the finite element model is established. On the basis of the static analysis of the structure by using ANSYS, The results of ANSYS calculation were imported into ncode software, and the fatigue life of the lifting hook was analyzed by using ncode software. In this paper, the UG NX,ANSYS and ncode software are introduced briefly in order to prepare for the finite element analysis of the hooks. Secondly, the geometric model and finite element model of the hooks are established by using UG NX and ANSYS, and the modeling process of the hooks is studied and described briefly. Thirdly, the static characteristics of the hooks are deeply studied, and the static safety performance of the hooks is analyzed and evaluated. Finally, according to the results of static calculation, the fatigue life of the rollover hook is deeply analyzed and studied, thus the finite element analysis of the safety of the boiler membrane wall lifting hook is completed.
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