[Abstract]:The velocity of the mountain rivers is generally rapid, and the longitudinal slope of the water surface is also very steep. At the same time, due to the rugged topography of the river, a variety of secondary currents are often produced, resulting in a bad flow pattern which is seriously obstructing navigation. In recent years, with the rapid economic development, there have been a lot of straddling along the river banks, the river-facing buildings, navigation environment and navigation conditions have greatly changed, may have a greater impact on the size of the channel, navigable flow conditions and ship navigation safety. If the relevant research is not carried out in time and the corresponding protective measures are taken, once the problem occurs, the consequences will be very serious, and its economic loss and social impact will be difficult to estimate. Based on the actual ship test and physical model test, this paper studies the ship navigation restriction conditions in the reach of Jinshajiang River Shuifugang Port area, and puts forward the corresponding shipping safety safeguard measures according to the test results. It provides some reference for solving the navigable conditions of similar reach. The main research contents and achievements obtained in this paper are as follows: (1) from the angle of mechanics, the ship's ability to go up to the beach is analyzed, and the navigation assistance and thrust of the ship on the beach are put forward as the key indexes of the ship's up-shore. In the process of real ship test, the calculated results are fitted with the measured velocity and flow direction. (2) according to the special situation of Shuifugang reach, the real ship test of 7000m3/s current is carried out according to the actual situation. The maximum rudder angle, the maximum drift angle and the track line of the ship under each load condition are observed and recorded. Combined with the index of ship's ability on the beach, the restricted navigation condition of ship is analyzed. (3) in view of the special navigable conditions in the mountainous river port area, the characteristics of the navigable water flow in the river section under the condition of multi-level discharge and multi-scheme are studied in detail by means of physical model test, and the flow characteristics of the river section under multi-level discharge are analyzed in detail. The emphasis is put on the technical feasibility study of the selection scheme and optimization scheme of the turning water area in the port area; (4) according to the research results of real ship test and physical model of turning water area, the navigation mode of ship in and out of port is proposed, and the measures of ship dispatching and operation in port area and safety guarantee of navigation are put forward. The research results of this paper provide research ideas and methods for solving the shipping safety problems of river section in similar mountain area, especially taking the navigation resistance and thrust of the ship up the beach as the index of the ship's ability to go up the beach. The theoretical understanding of restricted navigation conditions in port area has been greatly improved, and the research results are of great use value.
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