[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy in our country, the level of urbanization is getting higher and higher. In order to solve the problem of urban ground traffic congestion, the upsurge of subway construction has been set off all over the world. Because of the large number of people gathering in the process of subway operation, once the accident occurs, the consequences are more serious, so the safety of subway operation has gradually become the focus of attention. If we can make an effective risk assessment to the subway operation system, we can control it in advance and prevent the occurrence of accidents. In this paper, through the statistical analysis of subway operation accidents at home and abroad, according to the analysis results, the main types of subway operation accidents and the main causes of subway accidents are determined, according to the accident cause theory, The risk factors affecting subway operation are divided into four aspects: human, equipment and facilities, environment and management. Secondly, according to the system safety theory, the analytical structure model is used to divide the ten main risk factors that affect the subway operation safety, and the influence degree on the system risk level is determined. Thirdly, a risk assessment model suitable for subway operation system in China is constructed. In this model, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) based on triangular fuzzy number is used to calculate the weight of each risk index, in order to avoid the influence of subjective factors on the evaluation results as far as possible. According to the working years of each evaluator in related fields, the corresponding weight value is set in this paper. In terms of quantifying the risks of systems and subsystems, the risk classification method is used to grade the risks of human, equipment and facilities, environment and management. Macroscopically, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to quantify the risk level of the whole system. So as to provide an objective basis for subway operation managers to make scientific management decisions and improve the safety level of the whole subway operation system.
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