发布时间:2019-06-06 08:36
【摘要】:煤矿乏风中含有大量极低浓度甲烷,开发利用乏风中甲烷是世界性重要研究课题,催化氧化法是最具开发潜力的技术。本文研究制备新型催化剂,进行相关理论与实验研究,为煤矿通风瓦斯利用催化剂的开发和应用提供了必要的理论指导和实验基础。本文采用溶胶-凝胶法合成具有丰富表面积和特定形貌及结构的新型多孔氧化铝材料,并以其为载体,选取Ce、 Zr、La为助剂,采用热吸附法和浸渍法,制备得到新型的同时具有介孔和微米级大孔的贵金属Pd/Al2O3和非贵金属复合物Cu-Mn/Al2O3整体式催化剂,利用XRD、SEM、氮气吸附-脱附等手段进行物化性质表征,模拟煤矿乏风,通过探针实验评价催化剂催化氧化活性。通过物化性质表征分析研究助剂和活性组分的生长规律,经过优化分析,制备得到不同活性组分、助剂负载量的新型催化剂,研究得出载体、助剂和活性组分对所合成催化剂的甲烷催化氧化活性的影响规律和作用机理。当CH4体积百分数为1%,反应气体空速为6000h-1时,所合成贵金属2%Pd/Al2O3和非贵金属复合物0.5MCu-Mn/Al2O3整体式催化剂的起燃温度分别只有227C和314℃。
[Abstract]:There are a lot of very low concentration methane in coal mine exhaust wind. The development and utilization of methane in exhaust wind is an important research topic in the world, and catalytic oxidation is the most potential technology. In this paper, the preparation of new catalysts is studied, and the related theoretical and experimental studies are carried out, which provides the necessary theoretical guidance and experimental basis for the development and application of catalysts for ventilation gas utilization in coal mines. In this paper, a new type of porous alumina material with rich surface area, specific morphology and structure was synthesized by sol-gel method. Using it as carrier, Ce, Zr,La as auxiliary, thermal adsorption and immersion method. A new type of noble metal Pd/Al2O3 and non-noble metal complex Cu-Mn/Al2O3 integral catalysts with both mesoporous and micron macropores were prepared and characterized by XRD,SEM, nitrogen adsorption and desorption. The catalytic oxidation activity of the catalyst was evaluated by probe experiment. The growth law of auxiliaries and active components was studied by characterization and analysis of physical and chemical properties. Through optimization analysis, a new type of catalysts with different active components and auxiliaries loading were prepared, and the supports were obtained. The effect of auxiliaries and active components on the catalytic oxidation activity of methane was studied. When the volume percentage of CH4 is 1% and the space velocity of reaction gas is 6000 h ~ (- 1), the ignition temperature of noble metal 2%Pd/Al2O3 and non-precious metal complex 0.5MCu-Mn/Al2O3 integrated catalyst is only 227C and 314C, respectively.
[Abstract]:There are a lot of very low concentration methane in coal mine exhaust wind. The development and utilization of methane in exhaust wind is an important research topic in the world, and catalytic oxidation is the most potential technology. In this paper, the preparation of new catalysts is studied, and the related theoretical and experimental studies are carried out, which provides the necessary theoretical guidance and experimental basis for the development and application of catalysts for ventilation gas utilization in coal mines. In this paper, a new type of porous alumina material with rich surface area, specific morphology and structure was synthesized by sol-gel method. Using it as carrier, Ce, Zr,La as auxiliary, thermal adsorption and immersion method. A new type of noble metal Pd/Al2O3 and non-noble metal complex Cu-Mn/Al2O3 integral catalysts with both mesoporous and micron macropores were prepared and characterized by XRD,SEM, nitrogen adsorption and desorption. The catalytic oxidation activity of the catalyst was evaluated by probe experiment. The growth law of auxiliaries and active components was studied by characterization and analysis of physical and chemical properties. Through optimization analysis, a new type of catalysts with different active components and auxiliaries loading were prepared, and the supports were obtained. The effect of auxiliaries and active components on the catalytic oxidation activity of methane was studied. When the volume percentage of CH4 is 1% and the space velocity of reaction gas is 6000 h ~ (- 1), the ignition temperature of noble metal 2%Pd/Al2O3 and non-precious metal complex 0.5MCu-Mn/Al2O3 integrated catalyst is only 227C and 314C, respectively.
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