[Abstract]:Polymer nanocomposite is a kind of composite system which can disperse nano-materials into polymer matrix uniformly and make a phase containing nano-materials. Because of its high specific surface area and high surface energy, nanoparticles are in a very unstable state of energy, so the nanoparticles are easy to reunite. Because of the agglomeration of the secondary particles, its particle size becomes larger, it will lose the special properties of the nanoparticles, which brings great difficulties in the preparation, preservation and use of nanoparticles. In this paper, the basic research on the composite of nano-particles, ionic liquid and polymer was carried out in view of the difficult technology of preparing polymer nanocomposite thin films. This thesis has carried out the following three aspects of research work. 1. Dispersion of nanoparticles in ionic liquids and its mechanism. The dispersion experiments of various nano-powders in [emim] BF4 were studied. The effect of nano-Cu content on dispersion effect was analyzed by FT-IR and UV-vis. The dispersion system of [emim] BF4 and nano-copper was characterized by UV, IR, TLC, TEM and SEM. Study on the preparation of Polymer Nanocomposite Films based on PMMA and PS. A novel polymer composite film was prepared by using PMMA and PS polymers as substrates and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ionic solution dispersed with nano-copper as additives. The dispersion effect was analyzed by IR, SEM, and the optical, electrical properties and thermal stability of the composite films were analyzed by UV, conductivity and thermogravimetry. Preparation of polymer nanocomposite films based on PMMS. In this paper, PMMS/AAIM/Nano Ag composite films on polymer substrates were prepared by UV curing crosslinking method, using polymercapto propylmethylsiloxane rich in sulfhydryl groups as the substrate and imidazolium salts ionic liquids to disperse silver nanoparticles. In this study, FT-IR infrared spectroscopy was used to characterize the interaction force between AAIm-Ag and thermogravimetric analysis to characterize the thermal stability of polymer composite film. Based on the experimental results, the coordination mechanism is proposed, which can not only explain the interaction between nano-copper and [emim] BF4 ion liquid, but also explain the interaction between copper nanoparticles and [emim] BF4 ionomer. It is well verified in the preparation of PMMA-PSand PMMS nanocomposite films, which can effectively solve the agglomeration problem and improve the conductivity and thermal stability of the composite films. The UV absorption ability and UV spectrum width of PMMA and PS were expanded.
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