[Abstract]:Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) properties of metal nanostructures can be simply understood as the collective oscillation of free electrons driven by the electric field of incident light relative to the metal ion skeleton. SPR properties are strongly dependent on metal nanoparticles. Based on the highly adjustable SPR properties and the accompanying local electromagnetic field enhancement phenomena, nano-scale metal structures have shown broad application prospects in many fields such as sensors, surface enhancement spectroscopy, energy conversion and so on. For example, in the field of optical detection, many reported SPR sensors are usually used to detect the formant of a wide range, except for the limitation of sensitivity. This leads to the lack of spectral resolution of the sensor, which is not conducive to the detection of the concentration pole. The homogeneity of SERS substrate also limits the role of many highly active substrates in testing, especially in quantitative testing. Although some of the problems caused by structural defects, including the above, can usually be solved by high-precision "top-down" technical means to optimize the structure, but For these reasons, a series of high-performance optical detectors based on metal nanostructures have been fabricated by rational design, high-efficiency and low-cost colloid etching and electrostatic self-assembly techniques. In the second chapter, a high performance SPR sensor based on a simple two-dimensional silver nanowell array is fabricated by using colloid etching technique. The structure of the sensor can be regarded as an ordered array of silver nanoholes bonded to a flat silver film. On the premise of following Bragg diffraction condition, the surface plasmon plaritons (SPPs) are formed by coupling with metal surface more efficiently. Meanwhile, the enhanced electromagnetic field caused by SPPs is completely located at the interface between nano-well and air, which can ensure that the change of environment is fully perceived and avoid the negative effect of substrate effect. The geometric parameters of the nanowells can be easily adjusted to optimize the performance of the sensors by using flexible colloid etching technology. We first optimize the pore size and depth of the nanowells by changing the dry etching time and the first deposited metal thickness, and then obtain a strong and sharp peak shape. The coupling effect between SPPs and Rayleigh singularity is very important for reducing the half-peak width. In addition, the refractive index sensitivity of the sensor can be improved by increasing the lattice constant of the array with a larger size of colloidal microsphere mask. At the same time, we have carried out a precise electromagnetic simulation to verify the reliability of the experimental results. The optimized samples have high refractive index sensitivity and very narrow half-peak width, making them high-sensitivity and high-resolution SPR sensors. The final immune test shows that the optimized silver nanowell array can be used as an excellent platform for biomolecular detection. On this basis, we construct different thickness dielectric layers between silver film and nanopore array, and then derive a silver nanopore array-dielectric layer-silver film sandwich composite structure. In the third chapter, we use electrostatic self-assembly of charged metal nanospheres. A highly active and homogeneous SERS substrate based on metal nanoparticle-nanopore hybrid structure array was fabricated by combining metal vertical deposition method. In order to achieve a high degree of homogeneity, we designed the gold nanospheres from the following three aspects. Firstly, the gold nanospheres used in this chapter were prepared by seed growth method, with regular morphology and excellent monodispersity, which made the size of the annular nano-gap more uniform. Secondly, the lower ionic strength made them adsorbed by electrostatic gravity. Finally, although the gold nanospheres are not aligned in a long-range order on the substrate, they are evenly distributed, so at any location, the circular spot of the laser illuminates the annular gap. Based on the above four conditions, the surface of the metal nanoparticles-nanoporous hybrid structure can have both excellent enhancement effect and homogeneity. In addition, the method used in this chapter is simple, low cost, and can achieve large-area preparation, which makes our method has great advantages in practical application. In Chapter 4, we developed a simple method to fabricate two-dimensional gold nanoparticle arrays with highly tunable particle spacing and optical properties, which can be easily integrated in a gradient form on a substrate. The charge density modulation takes advantage of the rheological properties of the polymer. After the electroneutral polystyrene (ps) film is treated by oxygen plasma, polar oxygen-containing groups are formed on the surface to enable electrostatic adsorption. Groups tend to move away from the film-air interface and into the PS film to reduce surface energy. Thus, the PS film treated by oxygen plasma can be annealed at different temperatures, and the surface with different charge densities can be obtained by layer-by-layer electrostatic self-assembly. Gold nanoparticle arrays with the same particle spacing and optical properties. Due to the important influence of particle spacing on local surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) coupling, the samples with different particle spacing also exhibit a high degree of spectral tunability. There are multiple resonance modes in the spectrum, which can support multiple SERs for wavelength selection. S-signal is advantageous for matching LSPR resonance bands, excitation wavelengths, and measured objects. In the annealing process, a large area of two-dimensional metal nanoparticle arrays with gradient particle spacing and spectrum can be easily fabricated by using a heat source with a surface temperature gradient. The gradient surface can be used as a "library" for specific applications. Our method is simple, universal, and can be prepared in large areas without any expensive and precise instruments, so it is suitable for ordinary laboratories and large-scale production.
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