[Abstract]:In this paper, we report a fast and simple new method to fabricate three dimensional, large area, open and continuous porous silver materials with controllable morphology and size. The effects of different reaction parameters on morphology and size were discussed. Its application as SERS active substrate and electrochemical electrode substrate was studied. The main contents are as follows: (1) Nano-silver materials with large area and uniform opening pore structure were prepared by chemical etching. The synthesis process includes the preparation of silver nanosponges at room temperature, sheet pressing and chemical etching. In order to obtain uniform nanopore structure, the effect of reaction parameters was studied. It is found that 16% nitric acid concentration at room temperature is the best condition for obtaining three dimensional porous silver materials. The nano-porous silver materials obtained under the optimal conditions have continuous reticular structure and interlinked pore structure. The reticular ligaments consist of a number of particles with an average diameter of-72 nm. The average aperture is 90.5 nm. The formation and evolution process and etching mechanism of nano-pore structures based on etching time were discussed. (2) based on the outstanding particle properties of the prepared porous silver substrate materials, The application of the substrate in the detection of surface enhanced Raman scattering (SRS) was studied. By adjusting the particle size, surface roughness and pore size, the sensitivity of the matrix to Rhodamine molecules adsorbed on its surface was optimized. The lowest detectable concentration is 10-6m, which is two orders of magnitude higher than the lowest concentration (10-14M) reported internationally, and the relative standard deviation of the change of characteristic peak intensity is less than 6. The results show that the sensitivity and repeatability of Ag/Co3O4 are outstanding. (3) Ag/Co3O4 composite electrode materials are prepared by hydrothermal growth of nano-C0304 based on the prepared nano-porous silver materials. The materials have excellent ion diffusion, proton transport and charge transfer capabilities, as well as good electrical conductivity and charge storage properties. The selected Ag/Co3O4 electrode material (C0304 covered with silver reticular ligament) showed extremely high specific capacitance value, and the specific capacitance value at lAg-1 current density was 1276 Fg-1, which was much higher than the capacitance value of all kinds of Co3O4 pure materials with different morphologies reported previously. It is also higher than other Co3O4-Ag composite nanoscale array electrodes. In addition, the electrode has good discharge capacity (still 986Fg-1 at 10Ag-1) and stability. After 2000 cycles, the residual capacitance is still 92%.
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