[Abstract]:It is a challenge for scientists to develop new materials to meet the needs of social development and environmental protection. These new materials not only come from new structures that have never been heard of, but also benefit from the new ideas that give new functionality to existing materials. In view of the tedious steps of removing template micelles in the synthesis of mesoporous molecular sieves and the waste of energy, we use the temperature control effect of micelles to develop a new way of adsorption-release menthol. In the face of serious environmental pollution caused by CO_2 emission from flue gas in coal-fired power plants, we are committed to develop new solid alkali materials: graphene and carbon particles are used to modify MgO (MgO), and FeO-MgO binary oxides are prepared. Emphasis is placed on increasing the proportion of strong alkali centers in the adsorbent to increase its ability to capture CO_2 at medium temperature. Combined with CO_2 transient adsorption of (IA) and temperature-programmed desorption of (TPD), we also attempted to form a new method for the detection of IA-TPD, and analyzed the mechanism of carbon-modified MgO solid base adsorption-desorption of CO_2. The main research contents are as follows: 1. According to the temperature dependence of the softness of template micelles in some mesoporous silica molecular sieve channels, Mesoporous molecular sieve MCM-41 powder (as-M41) was used to adsorb, store and release the micelles in the sample of high volatile spice menthol. As-M41 was flexible at a higher temperature, such as 373K, allowing the guest molecules to traverse and enter the pore interior. At room temperature the micelles lose flexibility and lock-up the guest molecules in the channels. When the temperature rises to 353K for example the micelle is soft and the encapsulated guest molecule can be released from the pore. The release of menthol from mesoporous molecular sieve was monitored by headspace adsorption of menthol by GC-MS. It provides a new way for controllable absorption, storage and release of volatile organic molecules. It is found that the temperature adsorption efficiency of MgO based adsorbent CO_2 is not limited to the specific surface area of the sample, because the adsorption of CO_2 at 423 K mainly depends on the strong alkaline potential, and the strong base site is derived from the absence of the surface defect site of the Mg2 cation on the MgO crystal. We use graphene and carbon particles to separate MgO particles in situ to prevent aggregation, so that the surface defects of MgO crystal are fully exposed, forming a strong alkali potential to effectively capture CO_2.. In this paper, two kinds of CO_2 contact methods, "blow sweep method" and "pulse method", are used to combine instantaneous adsorption and programmed temperature desorption to form a new method for the detection of IA-TPD. The contribution of alkali potential of various intensities in adsorbent is calculated from the amount of CO_2 gas introduced, the amount of adsorption and the amount of desorption. The method of in situ carbonization of acetate was applied to the preparation of CaO samples, which provided a new way of green environmental protection for the preparation of high efficiency CO_2 adsorbents. The temperature of industrial flue gas is usually at 423 ~ 673 K. At this temperature, the physical adsorption of solid base CO_2 is difficult, so it is urgent to develop a new high efficient medium temperature CO_2 trapping agent. 3%FM samples were prepared by in-situ carbonization with magnesium acetate, a cheap and easily available precursor. The content of ferrous oxide is only 3%, which meets the needs of green adsorbent preparation. The adsorption capacity of CO_2 at 473K was 35 mg / g ~ (-1). This method improves the ratio of strong alkali potential in MgO particles and is very favorable for capturing CO_2 at 473K, which provides a new idea for the design of high efficiency solid adsorbent for environmental protection.
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