[Abstract]:In this paper, nano-zinc oxide was prepared by solvothermal method and sol-gel method respectively, and polyaniline (PANI) ZnO composite was prepared by in-situ polymerization. The structure and morphology of the composite were characterized by modern testing methods, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The results showed that: (1) Zinc oxide was synthesized by solvothermal method, and the XRD results showed that the prepared zinc oxide was pure phase with hexagonal wurtzite structure. The results show that the morphology of ZnO is spherical, rod-like and petal-like, and there is some agglomeration between the particles. When the testing frequency is around 18GHz, the real part of dielectric constant (e') of nano-ZnO is 3.7, the imaginary part of dielectric constant (e') is 0.1, and the reflection loss is - 0.3d B. (2) ZnO is synthesized by sol-gel method. XRD results show that the prepared ZnO has good properties. The average particle sizes of ZnO are 16.43 nm, 20.54 nm, 29.35 nm, 37.45 nm, 37.44 nm when the temperatures are 400, 500, 600, 700 and 750, respectively. Polyaniline-zinc oxide (PANI-ZnO) composites were synthesized by in-situ polymerization. The results of XRD showed that PANI-ZnO composites were successfully prepared with 5%, 10% and 15% ZnO dopants, respectively. When the content of zinc oxide in the composite is 10% and the testing frequency is around 18 GHz, the real part of dielectric constant (e') of PANI/ZnO composite is 3.8, the imaginary part of dielectric constant (e') is 0.9 and the reflection loss is - 1.2 D B. (4) Polyaniline-zinc oxide (sol-gel) is synthesized by in-situ polymerization. The results of XRD show that PANI-ZnO composites are successfully prepared. The doping content of ZnO is 5%, 10% and 15% respectively. The results of SEM show that the composites are spherical with slight agglomeration. It is 6.8, the imaginary part of the dielectric constant is 3.8, and the reflection loss is -4.8d B..
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