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发布时间:2018-10-29 09:43
【摘要】:拓扑绝缘体是一类体内是绝缘态,而表面是由于强自旋轨道耦合作用具有时间反演对称保护金属态的特殊绝缘体,其电子之间“各行其道,互不干扰”避免了电子的无序碰撞造成的电子能量消耗,,对解决半导体行业乃至整个信息技术发展有着重要的意义。第二代三维拓扑绝缘体中的Bi2Se3,由于其是纯的化学相;表面态只有一个狄拉克点,是最接近理想状态的强拓扑绝缘体;能隙为0.3eV(等价于3600K),是目前能隙最大的拓扑绝缘体,近几年已经成为了人们关注和研究的焦点。 本文总结了拓扑绝缘体的发展、分类及应用,并选取了拓扑绝缘体中最具代表性的Bi2Se3作为研究对象。Bi2Se3晶体的拓扑表面性质极易被体态掩盖,使其难以观察到拓扑绝缘现象。由于纳米材料具有大的比表面积,所以Bi2Se3纳米结构有利于研究其独特的表面态,对于实际应用的器件也是非常重要的。本文采用经济高效的化学气相沉积(CVD)方法制备Bi2Se3纳米结构,其研究内容有: (1)在蒸发源Bi2Se3粉末中加入Se粉末,探究Se对合成Bi2Se3纳米结构的影响。蒸发源中加入Se粉末提高了Bi2Se3的结晶质量,有利于Bi2Se3纳米结构的横向生长,而且保证了Se与Bi的原子比例更接近标准值1.5,同时Bi2Se3的拉曼特征峰A121g和Eg发生了蓝移现象。 (2)在不同的生长温度下制备Bi2Se3,探究温度对Bi2Se3纳米结构的影响。随着温度的升高,制备的Bi2Se3的结晶质量越来越好,表面尺寸也增加,生长机制由VLS变为VS,而Se与Bi的原子比例下降。在温度达到650°C时,生成物中出现了铋的氧化物,造成拉曼振动峰A1 1g的红移。最后找到最佳生长温度为500°C。 (3)在同一温度(500°C)、不同生长时间下合成Bi2Se3,探究生长时间对Bi2Se3纳米结构的影响。随着生长时间的增加,生成的Bi2Se3纳米结构的结晶质量逐渐提高,约10min之后结晶质量趋于稳定;Bi2Se3纳米片的表面尺寸不断增加;拉曼峰的强度先增加后减小;Se与Bi的原子比值减小。最终找到最佳生长时间段为10-20min。 (4)通过化学气相沉积法在铜箔上生长石墨烯,并用湿法转移石墨烯到SiO2衬底上。利用石墨烯作为缓冲层来合成Bi2Se3,探究石墨烯对制备Bi2Se3纳米片的影响。石墨烯的加入有利于提高Bi2Se3纳米片的结晶质量,而且使Bi2Se3纳米片沿C轴生长的特点更明显,另外,由于石墨烯的加入使Bi2Se3的面内振动峰E2g发生了红移现象。
[Abstract]:A topological insulator is a class of special insulators whose body is insulated and whose surface is a special insulator with time inversion symmetry protection metal state due to the strong spin orbit coupling. Non-interference "avoids the electronic energy consumption caused by the disorder collision of electrons, which is of great significance to solve the problem of semiconductor industry and even the development of information technology." The Bi2Se3, in the second generation 3D topological insulator is the most close to the ideal state because it is a pure chemical phase and the surface state has only one Dirac point. The energy gap is 0.3eV (equivalent to 3600K), which is the largest topological insulator with energy gap at present. In recent years, it has become the focus of attention and research. In this paper, the development, classification and application of topological insulators are summarized, and Bi2Se3, the most representative of topological insulators, is chosen as the research object. The topological surface properties of Bi2Se3 crystals are easily masked by body state, which makes it difficult to observe the phenomenon of topological insulation. Due to the large specific surface area of nano-materials, Bi2Se3 nanostructures are conducive to the study of their unique surface states, and are also very important for practical applications of devices. In this paper, Bi2Se3 nanostructures were prepared by an economical and efficient chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. The main contents of this study were as follows: (1) the effect of Se on the synthesis of Bi2Se3 nanostructures was investigated by adding Se powder into the Bi2Se3 powder of evaporation source. The addition of Se powder into the evaporator can improve the crystallization quality of Bi2Se3, facilitate the transverse growth of Bi2Se3 nanostructures, and ensure that the atomic ratio of Se to Bi is closer to the standard value of 1.5. At the same time, the Raman characteristic peaks A121g and Eg of Bi2Se3 are blue shifted. (2) to investigate the effect of Bi2Se3, preparation temperature on Bi2Se3 nanostructures at different growth temperatures. With the increase of temperature, the crystallization quality and surface size of the prepared Bi2Se3 become better and better, and the growth mechanism changes from VLS to VS, while the atomic ratio of Se to Bi decreases. At 650 掳C, bismuth oxide appears in the product, which results in the red shift of the Raman vibration peak A11g. Finally, the optimum growth temperature was found to be 500 掳C. (3) Bi2Se3, was synthesized at the same temperature (500 掳C),) for different growth time to investigate the effect of growth time on Bi2Se3 nanostructures. With the increase of growth time, the crystalline quality of the synthesized Bi2Se3 nanostructures increases gradually, and the crystallization quality tends to be stable after about 10min. The surface size of Bi2Se3 nanostructures increases continuously, and the intensity of Raman peaks increases first and then decreases. The atomic ratio of Se to Bi decreases. Finally, the optimum growth time was found to be 10-20 min. (4) graphene was grown on copper foil by chemical vapor deposition and transferred to SiO2 substrate by wet method. Bi2Se3, was synthesized by using graphene as buffer layer to investigate the effect of graphene on the preparation of Bi2Se3 nanoparticles. The addition of graphene helps to improve the crystallization quality of Bi2Se3 nanocrystals, and makes the growth of Bi2Se3 nanoparticles along the C-axis more obvious. In addition, the in-plane vibration peak E2g of Bi2Se3 is red-shifted due to the addition of graphene.


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