[Abstract]:Carbon based supercapacitors have many advantages, such as short charge / discharge time, wide temperature range, long cycle life, good safety performance and so on, so they are one of the most promising new energy storage devices. However, compared with the secondary battery, its energy density is lower. On the premise of maintaining the high specific power of carbon based supercapacitors, it is the focus of research in this field to improve the energy density of porous carbon electrode materials by adjusting the pore structure of porous carbon electrode materials. The results show that the ultraporous carbon with the same pore size as the net electrolyte has the characteristics of large specific capacity energy storage, but the lack of the mesoporous / macroporous ion transport channel affects its large rate charge-discharge performance. In this paper, the polyhedral oligomeric oligosilane (POSS), which has the characteristics of intramolecular organic / inorganic hybrid, is used as carbon source and self-template to produce homogeneous micropores, and block copolymer aggregates or colloidal crystals are used as soft and hard templates to produce ordered mesoporous structures. Ordered micro / mesoporous carbon was synthesized. The specific contents are as follows: 1. A new method for synthesis of graded porous carbon based on self-assembly of POSS and amphiphilic Pluronic triblock copolymer PEO-PPO-PEO is proposed. Due to the molecular scale template effect of siloxane cages in POSS molecules and the good assembly adaptability between block copolymers and amine-functionalized POSS compounds (caged octamine-phenyl bissiloxane, OAPS), The obtained carbon has both very homogeneous micropores (size ~ 1 nm),) and highly ordered mesoporous (size ~ 4 nm), as well as a high specific surface area of more than 2000 m ~ 2 g ~ (-1) and a large pore volume over 1.19 cm3 g ~ (-1). By simply using block copolymers with different PEO/PPO ratios, the mesoscopic symmetry of the materials can be two-dimensional hexagonal (p6m) and body-centered cubic (Im3 m). In addition, because OAPS is a carbon precursor rich in nitrogen, nitrogen functional groups can also be spontaneously doped into carbon materials. Because this kind of graded pore carbon has uniform micropores with pore size close to the ionic size of electrolyte, its maximum specific capacity in pure ionic liquid electrolyte reaches ~ 163F g-1, and in 1.0m H2SO4 aqueous electrolyte it reaches ~ 216F g-1. As the charge transfer resistance can be significantly reduced, this kind of graded porous carbon has a good rate performance compared with pure microporous carbon. When the current density is increased from 0.25 to 10 Ag-1, the optimal volume retention rate in the net ionic liquid and 1.0 M H2SO4 electrolyte can reach 94% and 97.2, respectively. Due to the relatively limited types of commercial Pluronic triblock copolymers and their low molecular weight (usually Mw15000), the ordered mesoporous size produced by their micelle templates is generally difficult to exceed 5 nm.. In order to study the effect of mesoporous pore size on the performance of graded pore carbon capacitors, we have further prepared three dimensional ordered mesoporous structure by using silica gel crystal as template and caged octamine-phenylbissiloxane (OAPS) as carbon source. Ordered micro / mesoporous carbon with a mesoporous pore diameter of 14 ~ 40 nm. The results show that with the increase of mesoporous pore size, the performance of graded pore carbon in pure ionic liquid electrolyte decreases. This may be because the increase of mesoporous pore diameter is accompanied by the obvious thickening of the pore wall, which increases the resistance of the electrolyte to migrate and diffuse into the pore wall. The specific capacity of carbon samples with minimum mesoporous aperture (~ 14 nm) was 172F g-1 at current density of 0.25 A g ~ (-1) and 148F g ~ (-1) when current density increased to 20 A g ~ (-1). Show good rate performance.
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