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发布时间:2019-06-12 20:29
【摘要】:铁基超导材料的发现为人们研究高温超导电性与其他性质的关联提供了一个新的研究对象,研究重点是通过研究晶体结构、电子结构以及磁性之间的关联来揭示高温超导机理。122型铁基超导体由于高质量单晶样品的制备相对容易,并且体系在掺杂、加压过程中表现出丰富的物理现象,是目前研究最广泛的一类铁基超导体。在本文我们用FeAs助熔剂法成功制备出Ca_(1-x)Pr_xFe_2As_2(x=0.06,0.1),Ca_(0.9)Pr_(0.1)Fe_2As_(1.9)P_(0.1)单晶样品,用XRD、EDX、Raman等对其结构进行了表征,用SQUID对其宏观电磁性进行表征,并系统测量了样品在10-250K区间的穆斯堡尔谱,并对超精细参数进行了分析,主要研究成果如下:Pr掺杂抑制磁有序,Ca_(0.94)Pr_(0.06)Fe_2As_2合金在低温下表现为顺磁相和SDW共存。超精细场分布表明磁相变具有连续相变特征。对谱线进行自旋密度波(SDW)拟合发现,SDW波形从75K时的准三角形逐渐转变为10K时的准矩形,谐波振幅比h3:h1表明体系中Fe-3d电子局域性很强。Ca_(0.9)Pr_(0.1)Fe_2As_2合金的超导转变温度TC=35K。Pr原子分布不均匀,低温下发生了富Pr相和贫Pr相的分离,贫Pr相的体积分数为90%。超精细参数分析结合第一性原理计算表明富Pr相在115K时发生了坍塌结构相变。低温下体系中没有磁涨落,但可能存在电子-声子耦合作用,四极劈裂分布拟合(QSD)显示超导效应发生在两相的边界处。与Pr单独掺杂的合金相比,Ca_(0.9)Pr_(0.1)Fe_2As_(1.9)P_(0.1)合金的c轴进一步被压缩,FeAs四面体的畸变方式有所差异,电子密度分布也不同。共掺杂后的超导转变温度TC有所降低,TC=25 K。四极劈裂分布拟合(QSD)表明共掺杂样品也同样出现了富Pr相与贫Pr相,由于P的掺杂富Pr相坍塌相变温度有所提高,体积分数也有所增加。超精细参数的变化表明贫Pr相中存在磁涨落,低温下出现了电子-声子耦合作用。通过对合金进行晶格动力学分析,我们认为稀土掺杂的122型超导体中,超导极有可能与声子相关。
[Abstract]:The discovery of the iron-based superconducting material provides a new research object for the study of the high-temperature superconductivity and other properties, and the focus of the study is to study the crystal structure. The high-temperature superconducting mechanism is revealed by the association between the electronic structure and the magnetic field. The 122-type iron-based superconductors are relatively easy to prepare due to the high-quality single-crystal samples, and the system has a rich physical phenomenon in the process of doping and pressurization, and is the most widely used iron-based superconductors. In this paper, a single crystal sample of Ca _ (1-x) Pr _ xFe _ 2As _ 2 (x = 0.06, 0.1), Ca _ (0.9) Pr _ (0.1) Fe _ 2As _ (1.9) P _ (0.1) is prepared by the FeAs flux method, and its structure is characterized by XRD, EDX, Raman, etc. The macro-electromagnetic properties of the sample are characterized by means of SQUID, and the Mossbauer spectrum of the sample in the 10-250K interval is measured, and the super-fine parameters are analyzed. The main research results are as follows: Pr-doping inhibits the magnetic order, and the Ca _ (0.94) Pr _ (0.06) Fe _ 2As _ 2 alloy exhibits a paramagnetic phase and SDW co-existence at low temperature. The ultra-fine field distribution indicates that the magnetic phase transition has a continuous phase transition characteristic. The analysis of the spin density wave (SDW) of the spectral lines shows that the quasi-rectangular, harmonic amplitude ratio h3: h1 in the system is very strong when the SDW waveform is gradually changed to 10 K from the quasi-triangle at 75K. The superconducting transition temperature of Ca _ (0.9) Pr _ (0.1) Fe _ 2As _ 2 alloy is TC = 35K. The distribution of Pr atom is not uniform, and the separation of the rich Pr phase and the poor Pr phase occurs at low temperature. The volume fraction of the poor Pr phase is 90%. The superfine parameter analysis and the first principle calculation show that the phase change of the collapse structure occurs when the Pr-rich phase is 115K. There is no magnetic fluctuation in the low-temperature system, but there may be an electron-phonon coupling effect, and the four-pole split distribution fitting (QSD) shows that the superconducting effect occurs at the boundary of the two phases. Compared with the alloy doped with Pr, the c-axis of the Ca _ (0.9) Pr _ (0.1) Fe _ 2As _ (1.9) P _ (0.1) alloy is further compressed, and the distortion of the FeAs tetrahedron is different, and the electron density distribution is different. The superconducting transition temperature TC after codoping has decreased, and the TC = 25 K. The four-pole split distribution fitting (QSD) shows that the co-doped sample also has a rich Pr phase and a poor Pr phase, and the volume fraction is also increased due to the increase in the phase transition temperature of the P-doped Pr-rich phase. The change of the ultra-fine parameters indicates that there is magnetic fluctuation in the poor Pr phase, and the electron-phonon coupling effect occurs at low temperature. By analyzing the lattice dynamics of the alloy, we think that the superconductivity of the rare earth-doped type 122 superconductors is very likely to be related to the phonons.


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