本文关键词: 摆线马达 液机转换机构 端面配油机构 工作原理 受力分析 出处:《浙江海洋学院》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:目前,各类船舶上普遍采用了液压传动技术,船用液压系统元件的不断创新和改进,使船舶液压系统的使用可靠性和稳定性得到了提高。在船舶的液压系统中,船用液压马达被广泛应用在船舶的各类甲板机械中。摆线液压马达作为一种低速大扭矩液压马达,在船舶的甲板机械中得到广泛的应用。 传统的摆线液压马达普遍采用的是针轮齿圈固定作为定子,,摆线齿轮作为转子,摆线转子绕定子中心公转,同时自身作减速反向自转的运动形式作为其能量转换机构。基于对传统的摆线液压马达进行理论研究,提出了一种新型的摆线液压马达结构形式,该新型摆线液压马达采用的是摆线齿轮固定作为定子,针轮作为转子啮合其上作外行星运动的传动方式。其运动输出机构采用高效等速孔销输出机构,为实现液压马达同步配油,设计了一套相应的端面配油机构。马达结构整体紧凑,输出扭矩大,马达效率高,单位质量功率与传统的摆线液压马达相比有了较大的提升。 本文首先对摆线液压马达相关理论进行了简单的介绍,然后对新型摆线液压马达的原理由来进行了说明,并设计了一种6-7齿啮合结构的新型摆线液压马达的典型样机结构,详细介绍了其结构组成、设计参数和工作原理,并对所设计的液压马达的各零件进行了三维建模,并进行了虚拟装配,为物理样机的试制奠定了基础。 针对新型摆线液压马达的两个重要机构:液机转换机构和端面配油机构,进行了合理的结构设计,并对其工作机理进行了详细说明。对在工作条件下液压马达的关键机构的受力情况进行了分析和计算,对所设计的结构能否满足工况要求进行了强度校核,验证了设计的合理性。
[Abstract]:At present, the hydraulic transmission technology is widely used in all kinds of ships, and the continuous innovation and improvement of the components of the marine hydraulic system make the reliability and stability of the ship's hydraulic system improved. As a kind of low speed and high torque hydraulic motor, cycloidal hydraulic motor is widely used in ship's deck machinery. The traditional cycloidal hydraulic motor generally uses the needle wheel gear ring as the stator, the cycloidal gear as the rotor, and the cycloid rotor rotating around the center of the stator. At the same time, the motion form of self-deceleration reverse rotation is used as its energy conversion mechanism. Based on the theoretical study of the traditional cycloidal hydraulic motor, a new type of cycloidal hydraulic motor structure is proposed. The new type of cycloid hydraulic motor uses cycloidal gear as stator and needle wheel as transmission mode of rotor meshing its outer planet motion. Its motion output mechanism adopts high efficient output mechanism of equal speed hole pin. In order to realize the synchronous oil distribution of hydraulic motor, a set of corresponding end-face oil distribution mechanism is designed. The motor is compact in structure, high in output torque and high in efficiency. Compared with the traditional cycloidal hydraulic motor, the unit mass power has been greatly improved. This paper first introduces the theory of cycloidal hydraulic motor, and then explains the original reasons of the new type of cycloid hydraulic motor. A typical prototype structure of a new cycloidal hydraulic motor with 6-7 teeth meshing structure is designed, and its structure composition, design parameters and working principle are introduced in detail. The 3D modeling and virtual assembly of each part of the designed hydraulic motor were carried out, which laid the foundation for the trial production of the physical prototype. Aiming at the two important mechanisms of the new cycloid hydraulic motor: the hydraulic machine conversion mechanism and the end face oil distribution mechanism, the reasonable structure design is carried out. The working mechanism is explained in detail. The stress of the key mechanism of the hydraulic motor under working conditions is analyzed and calculated, and the strength of the designed structure is checked to meet the requirements of the working conditions. The rationality of the design is verified.
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