本文选题:应力-应变关系 + 低周疲劳 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:When ships and offshore structures are subjected to periodic loads such as wind, wave and current for a long time, the local position of stress concentration is easy to cause fatigue problems. For submarine, deep submersible FPSO and other structures subjected to large periodic loads, the local stress value exceeds the yield stress of the material, so the low cycle fatigue (strain fatigue) problem of the structure must be considered. Based on the macroscopic mechanism of fatigue problem, the calculation method of low cycle fatigue life of structures under symmetrical cyclic load is studied in this paper. The fatigue problem of structures is caused by the accumulation of irreversible plastic strain at local stress concentration. Therefore, the monotone stress-strain curve and cyclic stress-strain curve of materials and the relationship between them are studied firstly, which is the basis of calculating low cycle fatigue life. In this paper, the method of calculating the stress and strain of structural danger point is studied, the correctness of Neuber hypothesis is verified, and the corresponding improvement method, that is, the Neuber method based on elastic analysis, is put forward in view of its defects. There are two kinds of curves to calculate the low cycle fatigue life of structures: stress-life curve and strain-life curve. Considering the defects of the strain-life curve, a pseudo hot spot stress method for low cycle fatigue calculation is proposed, and the design method of low cycle fatigue life curve based on pseudo hot spot stress is given. The method based on pseudo-hot stress can avoid the complicated elastoplastic analysis and obtain the low cycle fatigue life of the structure directly through elastic analysis. Fatigue life estimation includes three parts. Combined with different calculation methods in three major contents, two typical methods for calculating low cycle fatigue life are presented: elastic-plastic method and elastic method. According to the macroscopic mechanism of fatigue problem, a direct calculation method is put forward. The correctness of the three methods is verified by using different typical examples, and the scope of application and the way of improvement are analyzed.
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