本文关键词: 单相逆变器 光伏并网发电 共模电压 漏电流 中点钳位电路 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The world is developing with each passing day, at the same time, the demand for energy is increasing day by day, different kinds of energy are widely concerned by scholars all over the world, including traditional fossil energy, water energy, nuclear energy and so on. But fossil energy is a non-renewable energy, although its reserves are huge, but with the excessive greed of the human society to fossil non-renewable fuel, its reserves are also decreasing year by year. Therefore, it has the ability to recycle. New energy sources, which do not cause pollution to the environment, are highly concerned by all countries. New energy generation includes wind power, photovoltaic power generation, tidal power generation and so on. These types of power generation are not harmful to the environment and have the characteristics of sustainable development, which can continuously provide energy for human needs. Among them, photovoltaic power generation is environmentally friendly. The principle of photovoltaic power generation is to collect the energy of solar radiation to photovoltaic panels for photovoltaic response. In this process, the energy is converted into direct current energy, which provides various forms of energy demand for human beings. Because there is no need to burn in the conversion process, it is more environmentally friendly. Moreover, the sources of solar energy are more extensive. As long as there is sufficient solar radiation, solar power generation can be carried out. In the solar photovoltaic power generation system, there are several parts, such as photovoltaic panel, inverter, grid-connected controller and so on, which need the cooperation of various modules of the system. In the solar photovoltaic system, the photovoltaic inverter is the main module to convert the direct current energy output from the photovoltaic panel to alternating current. Inverter has a variety of circuit structures, they have their own characteristics. In these circuit topologies, the photovoltaic inverter without isolation transformer has the characteristics that other structures do not have: light weight. Small area, low loss and so on, very suitable for medium or small power load scenarios. But the non-isolated photovoltaic inverter does not have the effect of electrical isolation, which will produce circuit reliability problems. Such as large common mode leakage current, threatening the safety of personal equipment, affecting the large-scale promotion of photovoltaic inverter, at the same time. During the operation of the inverter, it is possible that the switch on the bridge arm circuit will be turned on wrongly because of the misguided switch and so on. Based on the problems of leakage current and reliability of photovoltaic grid-connected inverter, this paper discusses the design and improvement of single-phase topology of non-isolated photovoltaic grid-connected inverter in detail. From the point of view of inverter topology, the common-mode characteristic of the circuit is improved and the reliability of the circuit is improved, thus reducing the level of the whole common-mode leakage current of the inverter system and improving the reliability and efficiency of the circuit. Finally, the correctness of the theoretical analysis is verified by simulation and experiment.
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