本文选题:调度模式 切入点:高载能负荷 出处:《兰州理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The main dispatching mode of wind farms in China at present is that each provincial wind power dispatching center is directly oriented to a single wind farm in the region under its jurisdiction. This dispatching mode, on the one hand, increases the workload of the dispatchers. On the other hand, it restricts the coordination and control between wind farms. Furthermore, wind farms in China are mainly located at the end of the power grid, and the local power grid has limited regulating capacity, which seriously limits the large-scale grid connection of wind farms. As a result, grid-connected systems with wind farms are difficult to achieve economic dispatch. At present, the total installed capacity of wind power in China ranks first in the world, and the wind power industry is still developing rapidly. This makes the economic dispatch of large-scale wind farm grid-connected system an urgent problem to be solved. Firstly, it is difficult to realize the economic scheduling of large-scale wind farm grid-connected system at this stage. In this paper, a new scheduling mode of high load load is proposed. High load load is coordinated with wind farm through cluster coordination layer. Cluster coordination layer includes a number of random high load and wind farm. The number of wind farms can not be zero, and the load of high load can be zero. On the one hand, the cluster coordination layer integrates the dispatching information of wind farm and high load in the cluster, and feedback the integration result to the superior control center. On the other hand, the cluster coordination layer, after receiving the dispatch order of the wind power dispatching center, reasonably arranges the input and cut of the high load load in the control domain. Secondly, On the basis of the proposed new scheduling model, this paper establishes two kinds of mathematical models of economic dispatching of wind farm grid connected system, and optimizes them by using intelligent optimization algorithm. The first one is two-layer optimization model. The upper model aims at minimizing the total cost of the power network. For the two-layer optimization model, the Imperial Competition algorithm and binary Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm are used to solve the upper and lower layer models respectively. The second is multi-objective model. The goal of this model is to achieve the minimum total cost of the dispatching center and the maximum revenue of the cluster coordination layer, and the improved multi-objective cuckoo algorithm is used to solve the problem. Neither model can achieve each goal simultaneously during the optimization process. But to achieve the optimal coordination of the associated goals. Finally, Two kinds of mathematical models and their optimization algorithms are simulated and analyzed respectively. The simulation results verify the correctness of the proposed scheduling model and the economic scheduling mathematical model and the validity of the algorithm.
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