本文选题:分布式电源 + 光伏电池 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Power system simulation is the basis for the analysis of power system behavior and main method, and the mathematical model of power load is established. The simulation with the penetration of distributed power in the power system in the distribution network, and its impact on power system is more and more serious, which makes the structure of the traditional distribution network is more complex, also put forward a new the problems and challenges to the distribution network comprehensive load modeling. Because of the different distributed generation energy sources include photovoltaic, wind power generation, fuel cell and other types, the large number of access to distribution network, because of the different type of distributed power generation mechanism and the different characteristics had different influence on the different load model. Among them, PV energy from the sun, is currently the most potential renewable energy industries, based on the analysis of the traditional load model of power system, the photovoltaic cell The generation principle, construct the mathematic model of photovoltaic cell. Its output characteristics show that in certain external environment condition, the output power of photovoltaic cells has a maximum value only, in order to make the output power of the photovoltaic cells to maximize and maintain, you need to track the maximum power point. Through the analysis of the relationship between accounting duty ratio. The output power of photovoltaic cells and PWM control, proposed a Newton interpolation of maximum power point tracking based on PWM control (MPPT) algorithm, a clear change of output power is generated based on the change of the duty cycle, with duty cycle perturbation to replace the traditional voltage disturbance, in order to achieve the maximum power point tracking by target. The simulation in MATLAB/Simulink, and the disturbance observation method and traditional simulation results, proves that the improved algorithm can avoid the maximum of traditional MPPT algorithm for maximum power point around oscillation The energy loss problem, and can quickly achieve the target tracking, can be used as the grid connected photovoltaic system MPPT control module for distribution network generalized composite load model of photovoltaic power, based on the structural basis of photovoltaic cell model and built the simulation model of grid connection, and access to the four node distribution network system. Because of the comprehensive load the system includes induction motor, photovoltaic power and static load of three types, the mechanism of the process is different, so the choice of non mechanism model structure two order differential equation as the initial structure of the comprehensive load model, and respectively using the least squares method and particle swarm algorithm to identify the model parameters, and the identification results are better than the former. The results of identification and system identification toolbox in MATLAB and compared with the results, although the fitting error is slightly higher in the distribution network but also can effectively describe with photovoltaic power and load, And its model structure is simple and easy to express and identify, and it is more suitable for system simulation analysis.
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