本文选题:风电场 + 有功功率控制 ; 参考:《电力系统自动化》2017年07期
[Abstract]:Based on the steady wind direction and wind speed of offshore wind farm and the obvious influence of wake effect on wind farm power, the yaw angle and active power among units are comprehensively coordinated to improve the aerodynamic coupling between units and to increase the sum of active power among units. A wake model considering yaw is given, which overcomes the difficulty of wind farm power optimization caused by the discontinuity at the boundary of the classical wake model. Then a wind farm active power optimization model based on yaw angle and induction factor is established. Then, based on the wake propagation path, the unit is divided into groups, and the whole field optimization problem of wind farm is transformed into the internal optimization problem of each cluster, which reduces the number of optimization objects and reduces the scale of the problem. Combined with online simulation and machine learning techniques, a method for solving power optimization problems in each group is proposed. Finally, the optimized results are determined as the reference active power and yaw angle of the units, and the units are operated accordingly. The calculation cost of the scheme is small, and the calculation resources of the wind farm control system are not needed, and there is no special requirement for the communication environment. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme can effectively enhance the active power of offshore wind farm. Improve the economic efficiency of wind farm.
【作者单位】: 湘潭大学信息工程学院;湖南省风电装备与电能变换协同创新中心;湘电新能源有限公司;
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