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发布时间:2018-05-29 08:17

  本文选题:温度场 + 燃烧优化 ; 参考:《东南大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:At present, most of the boiler combustion optimization control is manually adjusted by the operator according to the experience, because the boiler operation condition is complex and changeable, It is difficult for operators to accurately judge the combustion condition of boiler from many information, which can easily cause the delay of combustion adjustment and lead to boiler running deviating from the optimal combustion condition. The temperature field can quickly reflect the combustion state of the furnace, and the temperature field in the furnace changes rapidly when the coal blending and air distribution mode of the boiler are adjusted. The study of boiler combustion optimization method with temperature field information can partly overcome the influence of combustion system delay. At present, the boiler combustion optimization method based on artificial intelligence has been paid more and more attention. In this paper, a boiler combustion optimization expert system based on temperature field information is studied. The main research contents are as follows: 1. In this paper, the temperature distribution information along the furnace height correlation section is obtained by using acoustic temperature measurement system, and the least square support vector machine model of NOx emission and boiler efficiency is established in combination with boiler operation data. Aiming at the shortcomings of particle swarm optimization (PSO) which is prone to local optimization and premature convergence, an improved hybrid PSO/DE optimization algorithm is used to optimize the model parameters. Compared with the model of NOx emission and boiler efficiency without cross-section temperature information, the prediction accuracy of the model considering temperature field information is higher than that of the model without cross-section temperature information. Based on the established model, a hybrid PSO/DE optimization algorithm is used to calculate the high efficiency and low NOx emission of the boiler. The optimal operating variables can be obtained and the combustion optimization of the boiler can be realized. It lays a foundation for the establishment of numerical optimal knowledge base. On the basis of numerical optimal knowledge base and combined with fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm, the method of constructing boiler combustion optimization knowledge base is put forward. On the basis of the established fuzzy knowledge base, the inference engine of boiler combustion optimization expert system is constructed by using CLIPS development tool, and the fuzzy inference model based on CLIPS is established, and a reverse tracing method is used for reasoning interpretation. The results of validity test show that the optimization results based on expert system are less error than those obtained by direct nonlinear optimization, and the calculation amount is smaller than that of expert system, and the whole structure design of boiler combustion optimization expert system is completed. And the development of each function module of expert system. The CLIPS project is integrated into .net framework by calling ClipsNET component, and the expert system software is used to realize the reading of DCS data and acoustical temperature measurement system data by using OPC communication technology. Finally, the function interface of boiler combustion optimization expert system is designed, which lays a foundation for further engineering application.


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