本文选题:配电网 + 线损 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the depletion of energy sources, energy conservation and loss has become a hot topic at present. It is necessary to consider the smart grid technology to realize the meticulous management of electric energy, to save energy consumption and to ensure the quality of power. However, due to the increasing complexity of power network, line loss, harmonic pollution and trouble in troubleshooting, it has brought huge economic losses to the power supply department, and also led to the waste of energy and the loss of social wealth. Therefore, it is of great significance to combine the advanced computer and industrial automation technology to realize the energy saving and the power supply safety of the power grid. In this paper, based on the realization of energy management, energy saving and loss reduction, accurate location of harmonics and fault sources, the main work is as follows: firstly, the composition and causes of line loss are discussed. In this paper, the equivalent impedance and equivalent circuit solving methods of various kinds of lines and equipments are deeply analyzed, and several common theoretical calculation methods of line loss are discussed. Secondly, combined with the theoretical analysis of line loss, it is introduced into the judgment of network fault problem, and the detailed theoretical analysis is carried out, and the evaluation strategy of line loss anomaly is given. Thirdly, the harmonic of distribution network is analyzed deeply, and the cause of harmonic generation and the distortion of voltage and current under harmonic condition are discussed. The harm of harmonic to power network is introduced. At the same time, the harmonic generation of nonlinear load is simulated by Matlab, and the harmonic content of each order is analyzed, and the scheme of harmonic treatment is given. Finally, the intelligent monitoring system of power supply and distribution unit is established by using MCGS configuration software. The system can monitor the running status of each branch in real time, realize the fine management of electric energy, flexible measurement system, and can meet the needs of various units. In this paper, the intelligent management of power supply and distribution unit is discussed in detail. The research not only realizes the fine management of line loss, but also introduces line loss analysis into the judgment of fault, and gives the evaluation strategy of line loss anomaly. At the same time, the accurate positioning of harmonic source is realized. The establishment of intelligent monitoring system realizes the fine management of the unit electric energy, saves energy and improves the unit economic income at the same time. For all levels of electric power management units have a certain reference significance.
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