本文选题:分布式电源 + 配电网 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:进入二十一世纪以来,社会经济的高速发展伴随着煤炭、石油和天然气等传统能源的急剧消耗,人类亟需寻求可再生能源作为替代。以光伏发电、风力发电、燃料电池和微型燃气轮机为代表的分布式发电技术日益成熟,越来越多的分布式电源应用到配电网中,而分布式电源的接入将对配电网的各方面产生重大影响。本文重点研究含分布式电源配电网优化重构和故障恢复重构问题,主要工作内容如下:(1)将配电网中所有变电站母线合并等效为一个根节点,分段开关和联络开关等效为边,开关之间的馈线段、配电变压器、负荷等效为节点,则整个配电网可描述为无向图。针对配电网"闭环设计、开环运行"的结构特点,采用树图描述配电网的辐射状运行结构。(2)对于含分布式电源配电网优化重构,重构前后节点的带电状态不变。本文通过"虚拟需求"保证所有带电节点均与某一变电站电源节点处在同一个连通图内,再加上闭合支路数等于节点总数减变电站电源节点数的数量关系约束,使得配电网辐射状约束得到满足。建立了以降低有功损耗为目标的配电网优化重构模型,并添加环状支路子图的链约束以提高计算效率。PGE 69节点配电系统的测试结果验证了模型的可行性。(3)对于含分布式电源配电网故障恢复重构,重构后的网络可能存在失电节点或孤岛,通过定义"虚拟节点"和"虚拟支路"的概念并对"虚拟需求"的性质进行修改,保证了各个孤岛内部网络的辐射状。建立了以恢复重要负荷量最大为目标的配电网故障恢复模型。在计及负荷可控性的情况下,分成考虑和不考虑分布式电源类型两种情况分别在PGE69节点配电系统进行测试,仿真结果验证了模型的有效性。
[Abstract]:Since the 21 century, with the rapid development of social economy, with the rapid consumption of traditional energy, such as coal, oil and natural gas, people urgently need to seek renewable energy as a substitute. The distributed generation technologies, such as photovoltaic generation, wind power generation, fuel cell and micro gas turbine, are becoming more and more mature, and more distributed power sources are applied to the distribution network. The access of distributed generation will have a significant impact on all aspects of the distribution network. This paper focuses on the problem of optimal reconfiguration and fault recovery reconfiguration of distribution network with distributed generation. The main work is as follows: (1) all substation busbars in distribution network are merged into one root node, and the piecewise switch and the contact switch are equivalent to edge. The whole distribution network can be described as an undirected graph if the feeder section between switches and the distribution transformer are equivalent to the nodes. In view of the structural characteristics of "closed loop design, open loop operation" of distribution network, the radial operation structure of distribution network is described by tree diagram. For the optimal reconfiguration of distribution network with distributed generation, the live state of nodes before and after reconfiguration is not changed. In this paper, we guarantee that all live nodes are in the same connected graph with a substation power node by "virtual demand", and that the number of closed branch is equal to the total number of nodes minus the number of substation power nodes. The radiation constraint of distribution network is satisfied. An optimal reconfiguration model of distribution network with the aim of reducing active power loss is established. The test results of the distribution system with the ring branch diagram to improve the calculation efficiency and the PGE 69 bus power distribution system verify the feasibility of the model and reconstruct the fault recovery of the distribution network with distributed power supply. The reconstructed network may have lost power node or isolated island. By defining the concepts of "virtual node" and "virtual branch" and modifying the nature of "virtual demand", the radiation of the inner network of each isolated island can be ensured. A fault recovery model of distribution network aiming at the maximum recovery of important load is established. In the case of load controllability, the PGE69-bus distribution system is tested under the condition of considering and disregarding the type of distributed power. The simulation results show the validity of the model.
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