本文选题:智能电网 + 支持向量分位数回归 ; 参考:《合肥工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Power system load forecasting is an important basis for the planning, planning and scheduling of the power system. It can better ensure the economic security and stable operation of the power system. The sustainable development of the environment is an important basis for the survival and development of the human society. The smart grid is the inevitable trend of the development of the power grid in the future, and the realization of the smart grid can not be separated from the essence of the power system. The grid of a large number of distributed power and renewable energy effectively reduces the consumption of traditional energy and greatly protects the environment. But because of its instability and intermittent characteristics, it brings new problems to the stable operation of the power grid. The operation of the power system brought about by the completion of the smart grid has been brought. With the complexity and uncertainty of scheduling, new methods should be put forward to improve the accuracy of power load forecasting. In the rapid development of smart grid, the accuracy of short-term power load forecasting has a significant impact on the accuracy of short-term load forecasting, besides the historical load and meteorological factors. The electricity price is one of the uncertain factors that affect the power load forecasting. It has great influence on the mode of electricity consumption. With the rapid development of the smart grid, one of the significant changes is that people adjust the mode of electricity use according to the demand of electric energy and the real time price of electricity. This can achieve the purpose of cutting peak and filling the valley, and can improve the power grid. In order to improve the accuracy of the short-term power load forecasting and better reflect the uncertainty of the power load, the support vector quantile regression (SVQR) method is proposed to construct the Lagrange function by introducing the relaxation variable. At the same time, the prediction results of power load at any time of the next day at different points are given. At the same time, the Epanechnikov kernel function is used to combine the SVQR method with the nuclear density estimation to predict the short-term power load probability density. The better prediction results and the accurate fluctuation range of the power load at any time in the future can be obtained. In the process of short-term power load forecasting with support vector quantile regression, a new method is proposed, based on kernel support vector quantile regression and Copula theory for short-term power load probability density prediction. Three different kernel functions are compared in this paper. The optimal kernel function suitable for the objective function is selected. At the same time, the relationship between real time electricity price and power load is analyzed by using Copula theory. In addition, the reliability criterion (PICP) and prediction interval bandwidth (PINAW) are selected to evaluate the accuracy of the output interval. In this paper, four cases of the historical load and the real time electricity price data set are adopted in this paper. The result shows that the method provides the relationship between real time electricity price and power load, and can better solve the problem of probability density prediction of short-term electric load considering real time electricity price. At the same time, the relationship diagram of real time electricity price and power load is given, and the probability density is provided. The prediction curve and superiority to better prediction results and prediction interval of the proposed method.
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