[Abstract]:As a basic resource closely related to people's livelihood, electric power plays an important role in social development and people's daily life. The power system has the advantages of simple structure, high security, open upgrade, easy maintenance, low cost and real-time monitoring. It is a hot topic in the field of automation under the maturation of bus technology. Nowadays, due to the limited level of intelligence and the limitation of personnel cost, most power distribution houses still adopt the method of unattended and emergency repair. When power outages and other accidents occur, users contact the power supply departments or operation and maintenance units to rush repairs. Failed to achieve real-time power monitoring, ahead of the forecast, early warning. It can be seen that the State Grid Reconstruction Project needs a high reliability, intelligent and safe solution. Based on the analysis of the present situation of distribution monitoring system at home and abroad, this paper puts forward a scheme of distribution monitoring based on Profibus-DP bus technology. The real-time change prediction of input current and output voltage and power factor of 10 kV distribution room and the control of the whole equipment can be realized. The monitoring system is divided into three layers: device layer, communication layer and decision layer. The device layer is located in the lower part of the computer, which realizes the collection of relevant data and the control function of the specific equipment, the core of which is STM32, and the decision layer is located in the upper computer part, which realizes the function of predicting the development trend of the correlation quantity, and makes the judgment according to the forecast result. Issue commands; the communication layer acts as a communication connection between the two. Secondly, based on the current distribution monitoring system only alarm function, creative use of grey prediction, before the occurrence of electric power accidents to make predictions to avoid unnecessary losses. In this paper, the historical state information is analyzed by grey correlation analysis, and the correlation sequence of state quantity is created. The correlation sequence is modeled by GM (1K1) modeling method, and the correlation prediction sequence of state quantity and the correlation prediction value are obtained. By creating the objective function and solving, the state prediction value is finally obtained, and when the warning standard is reached, the alarm is issued in time. The dynamic early warning of the relative amount of 10kV power distribution house is realized well, and the loss caused by the redundancy of the equipment is also reduced.
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