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发布时间:2018-07-15 11:09
【摘要】:月球基地是在月球上进行长期科学研究的基础,是对月球进行深度开发和应用的关键。因此,建设月球基地是未来探月工程的一项重大任务。月球基地上仪器设备的运行和维护需要能源动力的支持。稳定、充足的月面能源供应系统是月球基地建设的基础。月面发电站是解决未来月球基地能源供给问题的一种可行方案。本文提出了以月面着陆器与无人巡视器为核心构建月面小型发电站的技术方案,并对发电站建设中的一些潜在技术难题展开研究。分析月球着陆区的环境特征和未来小型无人月球基地的能源需求,确定月面发电站的总体技术指标,并开展月面发电站多种总体方案的设计与分析。经多方案比较与筛选,所提出的基于月球车牵拉展开的薄膜太阳能电池发电站具有较强的工程实施性。对薄膜太阳能电池的展开流程进行了剖析,并对发电功率进行了估算。为适应着陆区崎岖的地形条件,分析了月球车携载的牵拉机构应具备的功能,并完成了四自由度牵拉机构的构型参数设计。依据所提出的薄膜展开机构方案,基于D-H法建立了四自由度牵拉机构的运动学模型,基于拉格朗日法建立了机构的动力学模型。开展了四自由度牵拉机构与薄膜锁定接口的详细设计,并完成原理样机的加工与装配。采用上下位机模式构建薄膜牵拉运动控制系统。自主开发了直流有刷伺服电机驱动器和基于PCI总线的数据采集卡,完成原理样机中驱动电机的运动控制、传感器数据的采集和处理的底层任务。在Visual C++环境下开发了上下位机的软件程序,完成薄膜展开过程控制的上层任务规划。在牵拉机构的动力学模型的基础上,设计了基于双闭环PID算法和基于Lyapunov稳定性的Back_Stepping算法的薄膜接口姿态稳定控制律。通过Matlab和Adams的机电一体化联合仿真,优化了展开过程中薄膜接口的姿态稳定控制算法。通过开展组成单元级试验,对原理样机的各组成单元的性能进行检验。通过开展模拟薄膜展开的系统功能级试验,对月球车牵拉的薄膜太阳能电池展开方案进行了全流程的试验验证。
[Abstract]:The lunar base is the basis of long-term scientific research on the moon and the key to the deep development and application of the moon. Therefore, the construction of lunar base is a major mission of the future lunar exploration project. The operation and maintenance of instruments and equipment on the lunar base need the support of energy power. A stable and abundant lunar energy supply system is the basis for the construction of the lunar base. The lunar power station is a feasible scheme to solve the problem of energy supply in the future lunar base. In this paper, the technical scheme of building small power station with lunar landing and unmanned patrol is put forward, and some potential technical problems in the construction of power station are studied. The environmental characteristics of lunar landing area and the energy demand of small unmanned lunar base in the future are analyzed. The overall technical index of lunar power station is determined and the design and analysis of various general schemes of lunar power station are carried out. Through the comparison and selection of multiple schemes, the proposed thin film solar cell power station based on lunar rover traction has strong engineering performance. The unfolding process of thin film solar cells is analyzed and the generation power is estimated. In order to adapt to the rugged terrain conditions in the landing area, the functions of the traction mechanism carried by the lunar rover are analyzed, and the configuration parameters of the four-degree-of-freedom towing mechanism are designed. The kinematics model of four-degree-of-freedom mechanism is established based on D-H method, and the dynamic model of mechanism is established based on Lagrangian method. A detailed design of the interface between the four degree of freedom pull mechanism and the film locking mechanism is carried out, and the machining and assembly of the principle prototype is completed. The film traction motion control system is constructed by the mode of upper and lower machine. The DC brush-servo motor driver and the data acquisition card based on PCI bus are developed independently to accomplish the basic task of motor motion control and sensor data acquisition and processing in the principle prototype. The software program of the upper and lower computer is developed in Visual C environment to complete the upper layer task planning of the film deployment process control. Based on the dynamic model of the pull mechanism, the attitude stability control law of the film interface is designed based on the double closed loop pid algorithm and the BackStack Stepping algorithm based on Lyapunov stability. The attitude stability control algorithm of the membrane interface in the process of expansion is optimized by the combined simulation of Matlab and Adams. The performance of each component unit of the principle prototype is tested through the component unit level test. In this paper, the system function level test of simulating membrane deployment is carried out to verify the whole process of the solar cell expansion scheme of lunar rover.


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