[Abstract]:As the key link of power conversion, high voltage and high power AC converter plays a very important role in the low frequency transmission and distribution field, such as offshore wind power, long-distance frequency division transmission and submarine transmission and distribution system construction. In this paper, a new Y type high power modularized multilevel converter (Y modular multilevel convertor Y-MMC) topology is proposed. It only needs six equivalent arms to realize direct AC / AC power conversion. The quality and power characteristics of the output voltage waveform are good, and its structure is simple and symmetrical. And there is no circulation. The dynamic mathematical model of Y-MMC topology in dq coordinates is established, and the decoupling of the input and output AC frequency components of the system is realized. On the basis of this, the corresponding control strategies are given, including the internal loop current control and the outer loop power control. The physical concept is clear, the control structure is simple and the control performance is good. Furthermore, the reactive power distribution coefficient is introduced into the control scheme, and the analytical relationship between the reactive power distribution coefficient and the steady state regulation of the bridge arm is derived. A series of simulation results on the platform of Matlab / Simulink are given to verify the correctness of the proposed Y-MMC topology and mathematical model and the effectiveness of the control strategy.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学电气工程学院;
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