[Abstract]:Alpine wind farm has many complex characteristics, so it is necessary to carry out fine wind energy resource evaluation. In this paper, the Globe Land30, the world's first 30m resolution land cover product, is introduced to produce high precision surface roughness data, and it is applied to the evaluation of fine wind energy resources. The method has been applied to the Daguanshan wind farm in Yunnan Province. The average wind speed and mean wind power density atlas with 30m resolution have been obtained by using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model Meteodyn WT. The simulation results are verified by the measured data of the wind tower in the wind farm. The simulation error of the average wind speed is less than 1% and the simulation error of the average wind power density is less than 4% during the 6-month observation period. The simulated and measured wind speed frequency distribution and wind direction of rose are in good agreement. The simulation data are used to calculate the power generation of two typical wind turbines, and the total power generation error in the observation period is less than 1. A controlled experiment was carried out using the surface mulching products of the European Space Agency (ESA), and the error level of the simulation results was significantly higher than that of the above results. The research results of this paper basically meet the business demand of forecasting long term power generation level of wind farm, and have the value of application and popularization.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院大气物理研究所大气边界层物理与大气化学国家重点实验室;中国科学院大学;中国三峡新能源有限公司;
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