[Abstract]:With the rapid development of power system in China, the scale of power system is expanding, and the influence factors of low-frequency oscillation and sub-synchronous oscillation are becoming more and more complex. Power system stabilizer (PSS) is the most economical and effective means to suppress oscillation. Among them, PSS2B type power system stabilizer is widely used for its unique performance. PSS2B is a dual input power system stabilizer. The generator speed deviation and electromagnetic power deviation are used in the input signal to avoid the phenomenon of inverse modulation. Because the rotational speed deviation signal will introduce the sub-synchronous shafting torsional vibration signal, the shafting torsional vibration filtering (RTF) link is set up in the PSS2B power system stabilizer. The influence of sub-synchronous component on the performance of low-frequency oscillation signal and the interaction between sub-synchronous signal and low-frequency signal are usually not fully considered in the analysis of parameter setting of PSS2B type power system stabilizer. Based on the analysis of sub-synchronization and low-frequency characteristics of PSS2B, some suggestions for improving the parameter setting of PSS2B type power system stabilizer are put forward in this paper. In order to analyze the sub-synchronous oscillation and low-frequency oscillation, the six-order generator model and the six-mass block spring shaft system model are established based on the small disturbance linearization model. The influence analysis of sub-synchronous signal and low-frequency signal is mainly focused on two aspects: the influence analysis of RTF link and the influence analysis of each PSS2B gain coefficient. Using the frequency response analysis method to discuss. RTF link mainly has great influence on the low frequency band of the subsynchronous frequency band and has little effect on the higher frequency band of the subsynchronous frequency band. Therefore, with the increase of single unit capacity, the decrease of oscillation band will increase the influence of RTF. By adjusting the RTF link time constant, the sub-synchronous signal can be suppressed or eliminated, and when the low-frequency signal passes, the phase and amplitude of the low-frequency signal will also be affected. Therefore, the adjustment of the time constant of PSS2B has a certain effect on the gain coefficients of PSS2B, including power matching coefficient sK, rotational speed deviation gain coefficient 蠅 K and PSS gain coefficient competition, and so on, which will affect the low-frequency oscillation signal and the sub-synchronous torsional vibration signal. And the degree of influence and the law are different. Therefore, when the gain is determined by the root locus method, it is necessary to analyze the influence of each gain coefficient on the sub-synchronous mode and the low-frequency mode in order to adjust the gain. Finally, taking the generator in the actual system as an example and combining the above influence analysis, the phase compensation method and the root locus method are used to improve the parameter setting process of PSS2B.
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