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发布时间:2018-08-30 14:37
[Abstract]:The application of megawatt superhigh speed permanent magnet motor direct-drive system in compressor, aeronautical power and other fields is more and more, and the mechanical and electrical problems caused by its high rotational speed are also very prominent. The rotor pole structure with less pole surface mount and non-magnetic conduction sheath is often used in the ultra-high speed permanent magnet motor. The sheath increases the air gap of the motor, resulting in the large amount of magnetic steel and surface loss. The air-gap is small, but the magnetic flux leakage is large, and the surface strength of the plate is insufficient. In this paper, the rotor pole structure of megawatt superhigh speed permanent magnet motor is optimized to solve the above problems, and the key problems of rotor dynamics such as critical speed and dynamic unbalance caused by super high speed are studied. Megawatt super high speed permanent magnet motor rotor circumference speed is large, mechanical strength is poor. In order to find a kind of rotor magnetic pole structure with both mechanical and electrical properties, the non-magnetic conducting sheathed structure is attached to the surface separately. The mechanical and electrical properties of the magnetic pole structure embedded in the common built-in structure and a new type of laminated inner magnetic steel spacer with high strength non-magnetic conductance reinforcement are calculated and simulated by finite element method. The optimal rotor pole structure is determined by comparing the performance of the rotor with three kinds of structures. The rotor shaft with reasonable structure is designed by checking the strength of the key according to the rotor dimension parameters. The stiffness of rotor shaft is calculated by energy method, and the total deformation is obtained, and the finite element method is used to verify whether the rigidity meets the requirements. The equivalent diameter method is used to calculate the first order critical speed of the shaft and the modal analysis of the finite element method is used to determine the critical speed of each order. After considering the bearing stiffness the influence of bearing stiffness on the critical speed of the rotor shaft is studied. In order to solve the problem that dynamic balance of rotor shaft of super high speed motor is difficult to grasp, the unbalanced harmonic response analysis is carried out. On the premise of calculating the maximum unbalance mass, allowable eccentricity and allowable unbalance of rotor shaft, based on the assumption of rotor shaft dynamic unbalance, the influence of bearing stiffness is considered on the basis of the assumption that the unbalanced mass and eccentricity are given. The influence of bearing stiffness on the unbalanced harmonic response of rotor shaft is studied by harmonic response analysis.


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