[Abstract]:With the rapid development of power grid and the increase of investment in power grid construction, the usage of 10kV XLPE insulated power cable is increasing year by year, and the price tag of cable is lower every year. Due to the absence of a good quality control system, the number of power network accidents caused by quality problems increases year by year. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of power grid, it is very important to strengthen the quality control of 10kV XLPE insulated power cable. In order to achieve the purpose of quality control, the quality management system of 10kV XLPE insulated power cable should be established, and the quality level of 10kV XLPE insulated power cable should be improved step by step. The quality management system of 10kV XLPE insulated power cable is applied to the quality control of other equipments in power grid to improve the overall safety level of power grid. Starting from Guangdong Power Grid Company, this paper expounds in detail the access control of 10kV XLPE insulated power cable, the control of production process, the quality control of sampling test, the control of receiving quality limit, etc. Do the following research: 1. The specific measures of the quality management system are formulated. The specific measures for quality control include the qualification control of the manufacturer, the production process control, the control of sampling test, the control of receiving quality limit, and so on. Production process control AQL regulations DQL and other aspects discussed. 2. Process control analysis of quality management system. It mainly analyzes the control process of price, cost and process, as well as fund management, production management, contract management, information management and integrated management. Therefore, the price, cost and process of the equipment are the main control points to meet the control objectives. 3. 3. Quality management system information management system established. The evaluation system of 10kV XLPE insulated power cable is established, which is applied to the material information system developed by the company. Through collecting, sorting and storing the information of the whole process of quality control, the relevant information materials are provided for the management decision makers.
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