[Abstract]:In order to ensure the control effect of frequency and tie-line power, and to make rational use of the AGC regulating resources of the whole network, a coordinated AGC control based on cooperative game theory is proposed. According to the absolute value of frequency deviation, the operating state of the system is classified, and the frequency deviation coefficient of different control areas is set in different ways, so the coordination of AGC control among regional power networks is realized. The mathematical model of the revenue of each control area in the coordinated control of AGC is established, which includes the cost model saved by setting up the regulating capacity of AGC for each other and the cost model of assuming the responsibility of frequency modulation outside the control area. When the system is in the joint frequency modulation area, The Shapley value of cooperative game and the kernel model are used to adjust the cost of assuming the frequency modulation responsibility by periodically changing the frequency deviation coefficient to realize the optimal distribution of the income in each control area. The simulation of interconnected power system with three control areas is carried out. The results show that the AGC coordinated control based on cooperative game theory is effective.
【作者单位】: 国网山东省电力公司电力科学研究院;电网智能化调度与控制教育部重点实验室(山东大学);
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