[Abstract]:In order to reduce the exposure level of power frequency electric field in substation and avoid the possible health threat caused by long-term exposure of the workers, the electric field intensity near the ground around the primary equipment is reduced by optimizing the layout of the power plant equipment. The 3D geometric model of 220kV outdoor distribution equipment is established. The distribution of electric field in 220kV outdoor distribution area is calculated by software simulation, and the area where the electric field intensity is higher than the limit value is regarded as the optimal area. The fitness function and limiting conditions of particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm for substation electric field optimization are presented. In order to reduce the external electric field distribution of the equipment area as the optimization objective, the overall optimization calculation is carried out. On this basis, the location of the related equipment is fine-tuned by reducing the high field intensity distribution in the equipment area as the optimization target. Finally, by comparing the calculated optimal electric field distribution with the original electric field distribution, the fitness function value of the whole optimization is reduced by 83.4and the fitness function value after local optimization is reduced again by 29.11um. The optimization results show that the PSO algorithm can reduce the exposure level of power frequency electric field in substation without increasing the construction cost.
【作者单位】: 同济大学电子与信息工程学院;宁波耀华电气科技有限责任公司;
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