[Abstract]:Direct current transmission (HVDC) is connected to AC power network, which improves transmission efficiency and stability. At the same time, the analysis and control of AC / DC hybrid system becomes more complicated. The existing power system limit cutting time evaluation methods are not adaptable to large scale systems, so it is necessary to propose a better method to quantitatively evaluate the transient stability of power systems. On the basis of understanding the current research situation of AC / DC hybrid system transient stability at home and abroad, this paper analyzes the influence mechanism of AC system on system transient stability, and analyzes the influence factors of AC / DC hybrid system transient stability characteristic. A quantitative evaluation method for transient stability of AC / DC hybrid systems is presented. Based on the implicit trapezoid method, the power system transient stability analysis method is introduced. The calculation principle of power system time domain simulation is analyzed, and the influence factors and evaluation indexes of power system transient stability are analyzed based on the extended equal area rule. Combined with Matlab toolbox power system analysis tool PSAT, the transient stability analysis of AC / DC hybrid system is carried out by using time domain simulation method and extended equal area rule. The HVDC mathematical model in PSAT and the mathematical model of synchronous generator and wind turbine are studied. The AC / DC hybrid system and mdl simulation model based on PSAT are built. The quantitative evaluation index of power system transient stability and the influencing factors of transient stability characteristics are analyzed, including the influence of HVDC access on system transient stability, and the influence of HVDC access location on system transient stability. The influence of moment of inertia of synchronous Machine on transient Stability of system. An optimal position selection method for increasing the moment of inertia to improve the transient stability of the system is proposed. The influence factors on transient stability of AC / DC hybrid systems are studied, and the basic principle of BP neural network is studied. A mathematical model for quantitative evaluation of transient stability is established based on BP neural network, and the effectiveness of this method is verified by a simulation example of Qiaowan area of Northwest Power Grid.
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