[Abstract]:The Fukushima accident has made us realize that improving the safety and reliability of power transmission and distribution systems is one of the most important measures to improve nuclear safety standards. The existence of residual heat in reactor shutdown is an important difference between nuclear power plant and thermal power plant. In order to ensure the integrity of the pressure boundary of the primary circuit, the nuclear power plant must ensure that the residual heat of the reactor can be safely derived under the accident condition, and that the coolant system of the primary circuit will not be overheated and overpressurized in order to ensure the integrity of the pressure boundary of the primary circuit. In this paper, the difference between nuclear power plant and thermal power plant and the research status of the design of nuclear power plant are briefly described. The nuclear power technology of high temperature gas cooled reactor (HTGR) and the general situation of demonstration power station are introduced. Taking the demonstration project of high temperature gas cooled reactor nuclear power station as an example, this paper analyzes the design scheme and design basis of the main electrical wiring and the auxiliary electric wiring. According to the national standards and technical specifications, the generators, main transformers, high voltage power transformers and auxiliary transformers are analyzed. The parameters of key equipment such as generator outlet circuit breaker and off-phase bus are calculated. This paper also studies the design of 220kV and 110kV GIS in detail. Finally, the design of lightning protection in power plant is introduced.
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