[Abstract]:Aiming at the problem of low contrast and low edge definition of DC crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) cable partial discharge signal, the defect recognition rate of cable is affected. A method of DC cable partial discharge recognition based on non-downsampling shear wave transform (NSST) domain enhancement is proposed. Firstly, the low-frequency sub-band map and the high-frequency directional sub-band map are obtained by using NSST to decompose the partial discharge signals of different defect types of cables. Among them, the low-frequency sub-band map is enhanced by the Cuckoo optimization multi-scale Retinex algorithm (CS-MSR). The high frequency directional subband map is enhanced by (BPDFHE), a dynamic fuzzy histogram equalization algorithm. Then, the weighted reconstruction of each sub-band diagram of NSST is carried out, and the enhanced DC cable partial discharge signal diagram is obtained. Finally, the maximum discharge times, the average discharge interval and the average discharge amount in each sub-band diagram of DC cable partial discharge signal diagram are extracted, and a total of 72 characteristic parameters are obtained, which are replaced by linear kernel support vector machine (L-SVM). Gao Si kernel support vector machine (G-SVM), polynomial kernel support vector machine (P-SVM) and multi-kernel support vector machine (M-SVM) are analyzed. The experimental results show that, compared with the original signal diagram, the accuracy of the whole defect recognition is increased by more than 9.46% in the case of M-SVM, compared with the original signal diagram. The enhancement of DC cable partial discharge signal based on NSST domain is more than 9.46%. When using the new method for partial discharge recognition, the detail of signal diagram is more abundant, and the defect recognition rate of partial discharge signal diagram of cable is improved, which provides a new way of thinking for partial discharge defect recognition of DC cable.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学电气工程系;国网浙江省电力公司电力科学研究院;
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