[Abstract]:The study of insulator fouling under the condition of high speed airflow is of great significance to the work of cleaning insulator and preventing pollution flashover under the condition of sandstorm, high speed operation of emus and so on. The deposition criterion of contaminated particles on the surface of composite insulator is proposed, and the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of fouling of composite insulator under the condition of high velocity airflow is established. Taking the high-voltage isolating switch insulator of EMU as an example, the validity of sediment criterion and computational fluid dynamics model is verified from the point of view of pollution distribution characteristics through experiments and comparison with related literature. The insulator fouling under different particle sizes is simulated and analyzed, which shows that the particle size has obvious influence on the insulator fouling. When the particle size is small, the vortex collision is the main way of impurity particle collision with insulator, and the collision and deposition may occur on the upwind and leeward surfaces. When the particle size is large, the inertial collision is the main way of impurity particle and insulator collision, the collision and deposition only occur on the upwind surface, and when the particle size is large enough, neither the upwind surface nor the leeward surface will be deposited.
【作者单位】: 河北省输变电安全防御重点实验室(华北电力大学);中国电力科学研究院;
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