发布时间:2018-11-12 17:47
【摘要】:金属材料高温下的性能是限制先进超(超)临界机组发展的关键问题,其中锅炉管材料在极端高温高压超临界水环境中的应力腐蚀开裂问题尤为关键。在极端恶劣工况下,一旦结构材料发生开裂问题就会导致严重的安全事故,直接影响发电机组的安全可靠运行。因此,着手研究锅炉管材料在高温蒸汽环境下应力腐蚀裂纹裂纹扩展的影响机理十分必要。论文对镍基合金Inconel 625在700℃、725℃、750℃下,溶氧量0-8000ppb高温蒸汽环境进行了两组应力腐蚀裂纹扩展试验研究,采用恒应力强度因子力学加载,并利用直流电位降法(DCPD)对开裂速率进行在线监测。实验结束后将试样拉断,利用扫描电镜SEM观察断口微观形貌。实验结果表明,镍基合金Inconel 625试样断口均呈现出典型沿晶应力腐蚀开裂形貌。温度升高、溶解氧含量增大均加速了裂纹扩展的进程,溶氧量小于4000ppb时,裂纹扩展速率变化较为缓慢;当溶氧量从4000ppb增加到8000ppb时,裂纹扩展速率急速上升。高温蒸汽中试样的裂纹扩展速率略高于高温空气,并且在温度越高的情况下,蒸汽环境相比于空气环境中裂纹扩展速率的倍数越小在裂尖应变理论基础上,以高温氧化作为裂纹扩展的控制因素之一,对镍基合金Inconel 625裂纹CGR进行模型推导,分析了不同模型中材料裂尖应变的敏感度。并在700℃、750℃空气、蒸汽条件下,对材料裂纹扩展速率进行计算。发现温度和介质环境均加速了裂纹扩展的进程。同时,将实验结果与理论计算结果对比分析,发现基于GZH模型下实验数据点很好地贴合理论曲线,并且不同的温度条件下,同种材料裂纹尖端处的特征长度r0均存在不同的最佳值。
[Abstract]:The performance of metal materials at high temperature is a key problem to limit the development of advanced supercritical units, especially the stress corrosion cracking of boiler tube materials in extreme high temperature and high pressure supercritical water environment. Under extremely bad working conditions, once structural materials crack, it will lead to serious safety accidents, which will directly affect the safe and reliable operation of generator sets. Therefore, it is necessary to study the mechanism of stress-corrosion crack propagation of boiler tube materials under high temperature steam environment. In this paper, two groups of stress corrosion crack propagation experiments of nickel base alloy Inconel 625 at 700 鈩,
[Abstract]:The performance of metal materials at high temperature is a key problem to limit the development of advanced supercritical units, especially the stress corrosion cracking of boiler tube materials in extreme high temperature and high pressure supercritical water environment. Under extremely bad working conditions, once structural materials crack, it will lead to serious safety accidents, which will directly affect the safe and reliable operation of generator sets. Therefore, it is necessary to study the mechanism of stress-corrosion crack propagation of boiler tube materials under high temperature steam environment. In this paper, two groups of stress corrosion crack propagation experiments of nickel base alloy Inconel 625 at 700 鈩,