[Abstract]:With the problems of environmental protection, shortage of resources, security and reliability of power grid, clean and renewable distributed energy (Distributed Generation,DG) and distributed generation technology are developing rapidly. However, due to the impact of DG on power grid, it is necessary to take some restrictions and isolation, which greatly weakens the efficiency of DG. The appearance of microgrid coordinates the contradiction between DG and power grid. As an important module of microgrid, the reasonable control of microgrid inverter is an important research field and the key to the stable operation of microgrid system. In this paper, the integrated control strategy for the operation of optical storage micronetworks is studied. Firstly, the mathematical model and output characteristics of photovoltaic cells are analyzed. Based on this, an improved photovoltaic maximum power tracking (Maximum Power Point Tracking,MPPT) algorithm combining quadratic interpolation and variable-step conductance increment method is proposed. The contradiction between MPPT tracking velocity and steady state fluctuation is solved effectively. Then, in order to ensure the maximum power output of photovoltaic, based on the analysis of PQ control principle, the PQ control system including power outer loop current inner loop double loop control is designed, and the effectiveness of the control system is proved. Secondly, the mathematical models of three-phase voltage source inverter in three-phase coordinate system, 伪 尾 two-phase stationary coordinate system and dq two-phase rotating coordinate system are analyzed. In order to ensure the stability of system voltage and frequency, the storage energy is set as the main control source when the optical microgrid system operates on an isolated island. Based on the analysis of droop control and V / F control principle, a droop control system and a V / F control system are designed, which include a droop controller and a voltage and current double loop controller. The simulation results show that the energy storage can provide voltage and frequency support for the microgrid under droop control and V / F control. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of master-slave control and peer-to-peer control are comprehensively analyzed. Based on the analysis of photovoltaic control and energy storage control, the integrated control strategy for the operation of optical microgrid is studied. The methods are as follows: the photovoltaic system always adopts PQ control to ensure the maximum power output, while the energy storage device adopts sag control to realize "plug and play"; During the operation of microgrid to island and island operation, the bias of voltage and frequency of microgrid system is detected and whether it is within the allowable range, and the control mode of energy storage device is determined to be droop control or V / F control. When the energy storage device switches between the droop control and the V / f control mode, the controller state adaptive smooth switching method is adopted. Finally, an integrated control system including PQ control system, droop control system, V / F control system and state adaptive switching control system is designed. The simulation results show that the integrated control strategy can realize the stable control of the voltage and frequency of the microgrid system and reduce the switching times of the control mode of the energy storage inverter.
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