发布时间:2018-12-11 05:08
[Abstract]:Barium ferrite sol was synthesized by sol-gel method using ferric nitrate, barium nitrate and citric acid as raw materials. Barium ferrite sol was adsorbed on the surface and micropore of porous ceramsite. Then the functional ceramsite is used as aggregate to prepare new cement-based composite absorbing materials. The phase, morphology, complex permittivity and complex permeability of the synthesized barium ferrite were studied. The results show that the synthesized barium ferrite has high purity, and the synthesis temperature has an effect on its crystallinity and crystal morphology. The barium ferrite calcined at 1000 鈩,
[Abstract]:Barium ferrite sol was synthesized by sol-gel method using ferric nitrate, barium nitrate and citric acid as raw materials. Barium ferrite sol was adsorbed on the surface and micropore of porous ceramsite. Then the functional ceramsite is used as aggregate to prepare new cement-based composite absorbing materials. The phase, morphology, complex permittivity and complex permeability of the synthesized barium ferrite were studied. The results show that the synthesized barium ferrite has high purity, and the synthesis temperature has an effect on its crystallinity and crystal morphology. The barium ferrite calcined at 1000 鈩,