[Abstract]:Transmission and distribution network has the characteristic of natural monopoly, the price must be determined under the government regulation. In the reform of transmission and distribution price in China, advanced regulation methods should be introduced, the price system of transmission and distribution should be reconfigured according to the main body, the level and function of power network, and the incentive mechanism should be introduced within the framework of rate of return regulation. Establish reasonable price structure of provincial common network transmission and distribution. Building a complete regulatory system and organizational system, including the establishment of regulation accounting standards for power grid enterprises, the establishment of periodic cost information reporting and dynamic monitoring mechanism, the establishment of a complete function, sufficient strength of regulatory agencies, improve the periodic price approval procedures. Improve consumer participation. To improve the relevant supporting measures, to establish a standardized price formation mechanism on the sales side simultaneously, and to promote the reform of the power network planning and project approval system, the examination mechanism and the salary system.
【作者单位】: 国家发展和改革委员会市场与价格研究所;
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