[Abstract]:In order to calculate the coal consumption of coal-fired cogeneration unit more reasonably, and to eliminate the problem that the coal consumption of the unit is greatly affected by the extraction parameters and heat supply when the original calculation method is adopted, the steam power cycle of the unit is deeply analyzed. The conversion method of power supply coal consumption and heating coal consumption for cogeneration unit is established. When the power supply coal consumption is calculated by this method, it is equivalent to dividing the cogeneration unit into two parts: pure condensate generation unit and backpressure heating unit. The power supply coal consumption of the pure condensing generation part is obtained by deducting the generating quantity of the backpressure heating part and the heat absorption of the boiler. The coal consumption can be used as the whole cogeneration unit to reduce the power supply coal consumption. Taking two supercritical cogeneration units of 350 MW as an example, the power supply coal consumption and heating coal consumption are calculated, which are affected by the efficiency of steam turbine. The conversion coal consumption of unit 1 increases with the increase of heat supply. However, with the increase of heat supply, the converted coal consumption of unit 2 decreases slightly. The calculated results of the converted heating coal consumption of the unit are smaller than those of the existing calculation methods. The calculation results can truly reflect the energy efficiency of the unit equipment and the management level of the power plant.
【作者单位】: 中国电力企业联合会;清华大学热科学与动力工程教育部重点实验室;中国国际工程咨询公司;
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