[Abstract]:In the microgrid with distributed energy storage, the line impedance of each distributed generation (distributed generator,DG) is different due to its different geographical location and equipment parameters, which will lead to different aging speed of each battery. So some batteries first aging, if not treated in time, will lead to the remaining battery aging quickly, and eventually the entire microgrid will not work properly. In order to solve this problem, the V-shaped bird flight in nature is used for reference. On the basis of analyzing the aging model of storage battery, an improved droop control based on virtual impedance is proposed to realize the balance of line impedance among distributed power sources. A hierarchical power weighting factor method is proposed to equalize the cycle life of batteries. The two methods proposed can make the aging rate of the batteries in different positions in the microgrid uniform, and the cycle life of the batteries will be equalized. The experimental results show that the proposed method is effective.
【作者单位】: 徐州工业职业技术学院机电工程学院;中国矿业大学信电学院;
【基金】:江苏省产学研合作计划项目(BY2016026-01) 江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目(16KJB480006)~~
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