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发布时间:2019-01-03 07:00
[Abstract]:Lithium ion battery has been widely used for its high voltage platform, high energy density, low self discharge rate, green environment and so on. Electrode material is an important component of lithium ion battery, which plays a decisive role in the electrochemical performance of lithium ion battery. However, the current commercial theoretical specific capacity of electrode materials is relatively low, which is far from being able to meet the needs of lithium ion batteries in the field of high specific capacity, such as electric vehicles. The development and application of high-capacity electrode materials have become the key to the development of new high-performance lithium ion batteries. However, the high capacity electrode material is facing the serious volume deformation problem in the process of charge and discharge. The large volume deformation accompanied by the large lithium stress will lead to the destruction and even pulverization of the electrode active material. It directly leads to the attenuation of lithium-ion battery capacity and the decrease of cycling performance. In order to solve the problem of lithium deformation and failure of high capacity electrode materials for lithium ion batteries, the phase change lithium transition model and stress failure prediction model of high capacity electrode materials with different structures are established by theoretical analysis and finite element numerical simulation in this paper. In order to clarify the stress evolution law of electrode material during lithiation, the failure mechanism diagram of lithium damage between the critical failure state of electrode material and its structure size and basic mechanical properties is obtained, and further verified by experiments. The main work of this thesis includes the following aspects: (1) A phase transition lithiation model based on ideal elastic-plastic deformation is established, and the thin film structure and spherical structure (including solid sphere) are simulated by ABAQUS finite element software. The process of phase transition lithiation of hollow sphere and hollow core-shell structure) electrode materials was studied. The dynamic evolution of concentration field and stress field in the process of lithiation was analyzed. It is found that the Lithium stress changes at the phase boundary and the tensile stress at the electrode surface and interface is the main reason for the material failure. The hollow structure can not only accelerate the lithiation reaction rate, but also alleviate the outward lithiation expansion to a certain extent. The hollow core-shell structure can effectively control the lithiation deformation of the electrode material. (2) based on the model of phase transition lithiation, the hollow core-shell structure can effectively control the lithiation deformation of the electrode material. Based on the energy failure criterion, the fracture and delamination failure models of thin film structure and hollow core-shell structure electrode materials were established. According to dimensionality analysis and ABAQUS simulation, the dimensionless function relationship between critical failure SOC of electrode material and its structure size and basic mechanical properties was determined by function fitting, and the corresponding failure mechanism diagram of lithium failure was obtained. This provides a theoretical basis for judging the safety of high capacity electrode materials in the process of lithiation. (3) Tin thin films with different thickness have been prepared by electroplating, and the charging and discharging experiments have been carried out by assembling them into button batteries. The critical failure of SOC. of tin thin films with different thickness during lithiation was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The experimental results show that the critical fracture states of tin films with thickness of 10 渭 m ~ 18 渭 m ~ (26 渭 m) and 35 渭 m are SOC=1,SOC=0.72,SOC=0.5 and SOC=0.36, respectively, which are in good agreement with the theoretical prediction. The accuracy of the failure mechanism diagram is verified.


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