[Abstract]:Data is the strategic resource and even the main driving force of smart grid construction. How to deal with 4 Vs data with 4 features, such as magnanimity, diversity, real time and reality in smart grid, and how to extract information from it are the core problems faced by big data in power system construction. This paper describes the characteristics of big data and introduces the stochastic matrix theory as the basis, and puts forward the applied train of thought and framework of power system big data. In the aspect of electric power application, a series of functions such as early event discovery, event diagnosis and location, correlation analysis, visual 3D Power Map display and so on are introduced. On this basis, a framework of power system cognitive system based on stochastic matrix and data as the main driving force is established, and the difference between it and traditional classical cognitive schemes is discussed. Further design cases are designed to examine its robustness to bad data. The results show that stochastic matrix theory is an effective tool to deal with complex data in power grid, and has good academic significance and engineering application value. The robustness of the random matrix scheme to data asynchrony is verified by a simulation example.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院;国网上海市电力公司市区供电公司;
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