[Abstract]:With the deterioration of the environment and the highlight of the disadvantages of the traditional fossil energy, the development of renewable energy has gradually become one of the important ways to solve the current environmental problems and energy crisis. At present, all countries are vigorously developing renewable energy. However, due to its variability, intermittency, randomness, uncontrollable source power and unstable output, it has a great impact on the safe operation of the power grid. As a complex system, the vulnerability of the power grid based on the large-scale consumption of renewable energy can not be ignored, and the purpose of the vulnerability evaluation is to find out the weakness of the network itself, so as to enhance its security and stability. Improve the reliability of the network. Therefore, there is an urgent need to study the vulnerability of large-scale renewable energy grid, so as to ensure the reliable operation of large-scale renewable energy system. In this paper, the impact of large-scale consumption of renewable energy on the vulnerability of power grid is comprehensively and scientifically evaluated. Firstly, the related research contents of renewable energy generation, power grid vulnerability assessment, power grid evaluation index system construction and so on are summarized, and the research status and development trend of renewable energy generation, power grid vulnerability assessment and power grid evaluation index system are summarized in this paper. Secondly, the definition and classification of power grid vulnerability are introduced, and the theory of grid vulnerability assessment is introduced. According to the theory and method of risk assessment and the basic situation of grid connection of renewable energy, from the power generation link, the transmission and transformation link, the distribution link, The factors affecting the vulnerability of power grid are systematically analyzed in five dimensions of power consumption and dispatching, and a vulnerability evaluation index system based on large-scale consumption of renewable energy is established. Finally, when calculating the index weight, this paper adopts the attribute reduction algorithm of rough set-Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and the weight determination method based on conditional information entropy, which makes the result more scientific, accurate and objective. The credibility theory is applied to the vulnerability assessment of the power grid, and a vulnerability assessment model based on the credibility theory is established. In conclusion, a vulnerability evaluation index system and an evaluation model for large-scale renewable energy consumption are established in this paper. On this basis, a power grid in northwest China is selected as an example to analyze and explain. The validity and practicability of the vulnerability assessment model of power grid are demonstrated, and the corresponding suggestions are given according to the evaluation results, which provides the decision-making basis for the planning of renewable energy development and the construction of power network security defense system.
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