[Abstract]:The strong impact of the impact load seriously threatens the safe and stable operation of the independent power system. In order to effectively evaluate the instantaneous dynamic characteristics of impact load, a set of transient evaluation indexes based on instantaneous power theory and key parameters at source end is proposed, and the start-up of two kinds of commonly used impact loads is also presented in this paper, as the existing evaluation indexes are not accurate and the transient dynamic characteristics of impact load are effectively evaluated. The dynamic process and transient characteristics of the influence of nonlinear load on independent power system can be better characterized by the evaluation of the working process such as loading and shedding. By changing the key parameters of the two loads, the unstable limit of the system is gradually reached. According to the stability analysis of voltage, power angle and frequency, it is found that the two types of impulse load become unstable factors in the system because of the different power types, which will cause the frequency instability or voltage instability of the system, respectively. And then cause the power speed drop or excitation protection. The load of energy storage equipment can be controlled by constant power charging or by improving the speed regulation system at the source end. The motor load can be controlled by soft start or reactive power regulation device to alleviate the stability of the system.
【作者单位】: 军械工程学院导弹工程系;
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