[Abstract]:Affected by the input filter, when the input power factor of the matrix converter is set at 0, the power factor on the network side is not 1, and the current on the network side will lead the voltage on the network side. In order to realize the power factor of the network side is 1, the relationship between the power factor angle of the network side and the input filter and the output power is obtained based on the time domain analysis method of the network side circuit. The influence of input filter parameters and output power on the power factor of the network side is analyzed, and two control methods of unit power factor on the network side are proposed. The performance of the proposed control method is compared with that of the network side unit power factor control method based on the frequency domain analysis method, and the experimental verification of the proposed control method 2 is carried out at the same time. The experimental results show that the proposed control method has better unit power factor control effect than the frequency domain method, and the experimental results show that the proposed closed-loop control method is correct and feasible.
【作者单位】: 海军工程大学电气工程学院;
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