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发布时间:2017-12-27 02:20

  本文关键词:光伏发电接入电网后的分时电价优化策略研究 出处:《西南交通大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 光伏消纳 等效负荷曲线 分时电价 时段划分 模糊聚类

[Abstract]:As a common renewable energy, solar energy has gradually developed into a major alternative energy for fossil energy, and has been used more and more widely. With the continuous improvement of the technical level, the cost of photovoltaic power generation presents a rapid decline trend, and photovoltaic power generation will occupy a more and more important position. But the output of photovoltaic power supply is random, fluctuant and intermittent, which has a negative impact on the system. In order to enhance the ability of power system in photovoltaic power generation, through the use of tou pricing measures to adjust the equivalent load curve, as a basic means of demand side management, it can guide the user to change the way of using electricity, resulting in correction effect on load curve. At the same time in order to optimize the photovoltaic consumption and load curve of the peak, the equivalent load curve of load curve minus the PV curve obtained as the optimization object of tou tariff. This method can effectively improve the correlation between the PV output curve and the load curve. After proper assumptions and simplification, the load transfer model based on the principle of consumer psychology is deduced from the traditional electricity price elasticity matrix, which accurately depicts the response process of users to electricity price changes. The basis is provided for the optimal calculation of peak - valley time - sharing price. Reasonable time division has laid the foundation for the time - sharing price of peak and valley. In this paper, the fuzzy clustering method is used to divide the equivalent load curve into periods, and the semi trapezoid membership function is used to establish fuzzy relation. The fuzzy equivalence matrix is obtained by transitive closure method, and then the peak and valley period is divided by fuzzy clustering based on equivalence relation. This method can better reflect the peak and valley characteristics of each load point. On the basis of the above theory, the optimization model of peak and valley time price is established and solved, and the genetic algorithm is used to optimize the model. After the optimization, the load rate of the equivalent load curve increases, the peak and valley difference decreases, and the correlation between the load curve and the photovoltaic power generation curve also improves obviously. Finally, a number of objective functions are used to optimize the example, and the effect of the model to optimize the equivalent load curve is verified.


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